BirdPix — Bird Pictures Archive

Summary information for locus 2916BD

25 species found for locus = 2916BD
Date filter: none

Records for 2916BD

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 90 Anatidae Tadorna cana South African Shelduck 1 2 2021-02-20 Records
2 59 Ardeidae Egretta garzetta Little Egret 1 2 2020-11-02 Records
3 233 Charadriidae Charadrius hiaticula Common Ringed Plover 1 2 2021-02-20 Records
4 235 Charadriidae Charadrius marginatus White-fronted Plover 1 1 2021-02-11 Records
5 237 Charadriidae Charadrius pecuarius Kittlitz's Plover 1 1 2021-09-27 Records
6 241 Charadriidae Pluvialis squatarola Grey (Black-bellied) Plover 1 2 2020-07-22 Records
7 522 Corvidae Corvus albus Pied Crow 1 1 2021-09-27 Records
8 523 Corvidae Corvus capensis Cape (Black) Crow 1 1 2021-09-27 Records
9 231 Haematopodidae Haematopus moquini African Black Oystercatcher Global: NT; BLSA: NA 1 3 2021-02-20 Records
10 287 Laridae Larus dominicanus (incl vetula) Kelp Gull 1 3 2020-11-02 Records
11 289 Laridae Larus hartlaubii Hartlaub's Gull 1 5 2021-09-27 Records
12 298 Laridae Sterna bergii Swift (Great Crested) Tern 1 3 2021-02-11 Records
13 290 Laridae Sterna caspia Caspian Tern Global: LC; BLSA: VU 1 1 2019-10-23 Records
14 291 Laridae Sterna hirundo Common Tern 1 3 2021-02-11 Records
15 686 Motacillidae Motacilla capensis Cape Wagtail 1 2 2021-02-21 Records
16 784 Passeridae Passer domesticus House Sparrow 1 1 2021-09-27 Records
17 51 Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax coronatus Crowned Cormorant Global: NT; BLSA: NT 1 5 2021-09-27 Records
18 86 Phoenicopteridae Phoenicopterus roseus Greater Flamingo Global: LC; BLSA: NT 1 4 2021-02-21 Records
19 232 Scolopacidae Arenaria interpres Ruddy Turnstone 1 3 2021-02-21 Records
20 251 Scolopacidae Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper Global: NT; BLSA: LC 1 1 2021-02-20 Records
21 253 Scolopacidae Calidris minuta Little Stint 1 2 2021-02-20 Records
22 268 Scolopacidae Numenius phaeopus Common (Whimbrel) Whimbrel 1 2 2021-09-27 Records
23 733 Sturnidae Sturnus vulgaris Common (European) Starling 1 1 2021-02-21 Records
24 84 Threskiornithidae Bostrychia hagedash Hadeda Ibis 1 1 2020-07-21 Records
25 81 Threskiornithidae Threskiornis aethiopicus African Sacred (Sacred) Ibis 1 1 2021-02-21 Records

  Total         25 53 2021-02-20*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (

ID pending record(s) for this locus: 0 records

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). BirdPix Virtual Museum. Accessed at on 2024-04-25

[ Page served: April 25, 2024, 04:28 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT