SpiderMAP — Atlas of African Spiders

Summary information for locus 2330CC

26 species found for locus = 2330CC
Date filter: none

Records for 2330CC

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 710010 Aranaeidae Nephila senegalensis Banded-legged golden orb-web spider 1 1 2015-02-04 Records
2 701820 Araneidae Cyrtophora citricola Tropical tent-web spiders 1 1 2015-04-09 Records
3 701840 Araneidae Gasteracantha sp. Kite spiders 1 1 2018-03-21 Records
4 702670 Araneidae Pycnacantha sp. un-named hedgehog spiders 1 1 2008-01-22 Records
5 700040 Cyrtaucheniidae FAMILY Cyrtaucheniidae Unidentified Cyrtaucheniidae 1 1 2013-11-20 Records
6 726360 Cyrtaucheniidae Homostola sp. 1 1 2020-03-27 Records
7 727590 Nemesiidae Entypesa sp. 1 1 2021-06-20 Records
8 711700 Philodromidae Tibellus minor Common grass running spiders 1 1 2022-11-01 Records
9 713000 Pisauridae Nilus sp. Fish-eating or fishing spiders 1 1 2010-01-30 Records
10 713290 Pisauridae Nilus curtus Common fishing spiders 1 1 2019-01-30 Records
11 713310 Pisauridae Nilus massajae Massajae fishing spiders 1 2 2019-01-30 Records
12 713020 Pisauridae Rothus sp. Crowned pisaurids 1 2 2018-11-22 Records
13 715420 Salticidae Hasarius adansoni Cosmopolitan hasarius 1 2 2018-11-25 Records
14 715930 Salticidae Hyllus argyrotoxus Black and white hyllus 1 1 2014-01-13 Records
15 717050 Salticidae Portia schultzi Schultz's dandy jumping spiders 1 1 2009-11-10 Records
16 719400 Sparassidae FAMILY Sparassidae Huntsman spiders 1 1 2010-10-31 Records
17 719460 Sparassidae Palystes sp. Rain spiders 1 1 2015-02-04 Records
18 720160 Tetragnathidae Leucauge sp. Silvr vlei or silver swamp spiders 1 2 2018-03-21 Records
19 700110 Theraphosidae FAMILY Theraphosidae Unidentified Theraphosidae 1 2 2021-01-11 Records
20 700160 Theraphosidae Brachionopus sp. 1 1 2019-08-01 Records
21 700240 Theraphosidae Ceratogyrus darlingi 1 1 2019-08-01 Records
22 700400 Theraphosidae Harpactira gigas 1 7 2021-06-03 Records
23 700580 Theraphosidae Harpactirella overdijki 1 2 2019-08-01 Records
24 700640 Theraphosidae Idiothele nigrofulva 1 3 2019-09-22 Records
25 720950 Theridiidae Latrodectus geometricus Common brown button spiders 1 1 2015-09-11 Records
26 724050 Uloboridae Uloborus plumipes Feather lgged spiders 1 1 2018-11-13 Records

  Total         26 40 2018-11-17*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (www.iucnredlist.org)

NB: the following taxa have been omited from the database query to produce the list above:

ID pending record(s) for this locus: 30 records

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). SpiderMAP Virtual Museum. Accessed at https://vmus.adu.org.za/?vm=SpiderMAP on 2024-04-24

[ Page served: April 24, 2024, 07:07 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT