LepiMAP — Atlas of African Lepidoptera

Summary information for locus 3129DA

258 species found for locus = 3129DA
Date filter: none
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Records for 3129DA

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 400000 Lepidoptera indet. Lepidoptera indet. 1 17 2018-08-22 Records
2 533750 COSSIDAE Cossinae indet. Cossinae indet. 1 1 2016-02-09 Records
3 620400 CRAMBIDAE Loxostege frustalis 1 1 2017-10-27 Records
4 513700 EREBIDAE Arctiinae indet. Arctiinae indet. 1 1 2015-01-23 Records
5 520800 EREBIDAE Anticarsia rubricans 1 1 2013-01-01 Records
6 523270 EREBIDAE Egybolis vaillantina vaillantina 1 1 2015-01-23 Records
7 588220 EREBIDAE Euproctis indet. Euproctis indet. 1 1 2015-01-23 Records
8 515510 EREBIDAE Eyralpenus subluteus 1 2 2016-02-09 Records
9 515530 EREBIDAE Galtara indet. Galtara indet. 1 1 2014-08-12 Records
10 525020 EREBIDAE Hypocala rostrata 1 1 2015-01-22 Records
11 529270 EREBIDAE Sphingomorpha chlorea 1 2 2017-04-15 Records
12 517850 EREBIDAE Utetheisa pulchella 1 1 2017-04-15 Records
13 543700 GEOMETRIDAE Chiasmia indet. Chiasmia indet. 1 1 2015-01-22 Records
14 545180 GEOMETRIDAE Cleora nigrisparsalis Not Threatened (NT) [not an IUCN category] 1 1 2015-01-22 Records
15 549540 GEOMETRIDAE Isturgia indet. Isturgia indet. 1 1 2015-01-22 Records
16 549900 GEOMETRIDAE Ligdia interrupta Not Threatened (NT) [not an IUCN category] 1 1 2015-01-23 Records
17 549910 GEOMETRIDAE Ligdia pectinicornis Not Threatened (NT) [not an IUCN category] 1 1 2015-01-22 Records
18 634710 GEOMETRIDAE Problepsis digammata Not Threatened (NT) [not an IUCN category] 1 1 2015-01-23 Records
19 634910 GEOMETRIDAE Scopula indet. Scopula indet. 1 1 2014-08-12 Records
20 635570 GEOMETRIDAE Scopula internata Not Threatened (NT) [not an IUCN category] 1 1 2015-01-22 Records
21 580830 GEOMETRIDAE Xanthorhoe indet. Xanthorhoe indet. 1 1 2018-08-22 Records
22 541300 GEOMETRIDAE Zerenopsis lepida Leopard magpie moth Not Threatened (NT) [not an IUCN category] 1 1 2014-08-13 Records
23 469320 HESPERIIDAE Abantis bicolor Bicoloured skipper Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 75 2007-04-30 Records
24 474560 HESPERIIDAE Acleros mackenii mackenii Macken's dart Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 26 2015-11-16 Records
25 472101 HESPERIIDAE Afrogegenes indet. Afrogegenes indet. 1 35 2014-08-12 Records
26 472100 HESPERIIDAE Afrogegenes hottentota Masked dodger Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 17 2002-04-22 Records
27 472105 HESPERIIDAE Afrogegenes ocra Yellow dodger 1 1 2015-10-02 Records
28 470080 HESPERIIDAE Apallaga mokeezi mokeezi Large flat Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 26 2005-03-19 Records
29 475740 HESPERIIDAE Artitropa erinnys erinnys Bush night-fighter Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 2008-03-24 Records
30 472680 HESPERIIDAE Astictopterus inornatus Modest sylph Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 44 1975-01-05 Records
31 472280 HESPERIIDAE Borbo borbonica borbonica Olive-haired swift Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1981-04-16 Records
32 472310 HESPERIIDAE Borbo detecta Rusty swift Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1928-06-06 Records
33 472320 HESPERIIDAE Borbo fallax False swift Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 4 2007-04-29 Records
34 472350 HESPERIIDAE Borbo fatuellus fatuellus Long-horned swift Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 52 2005-03-22 Records
35 468993 HESPERIIDAE Calleagris kobela Pondo dark flat Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 2008-03-24 Records
36 468280 HESPERIIDAE Coeliades forestan forestan Striped policeman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 77 2015-01-22 Records
37 468310 HESPERIIDAE Coeliades keithloa Red-tab policeman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 58 2008-03-24 Records
38 468330 HESPERIIDAE Coeliades libeon Spotless policeman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 46 2006-04-14 Records
39 468380 HESPERIIDAE Coeliades pisistratus Two-pip policeman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1900-06-15 Records
40 468720 HESPERIIDAE Eagris nottoana nottoana Rufous-winged elfin Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 2006-04-12 Records
41 470370 HESPERIIDAE Eretis djaelaelae Marbled elf Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1911-09-15 Records
42 470470 HESPERIIDAE Eretis umbra umbra Small marbled elf Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 8 2006-04-11 Records
43 472170 HESPERIIDAE Gegenes pumilio gambica Dark dodger Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 2002-04-20 Records
44 470950 HESPERIIDAE Gomalia elma elma Green-marbled skipper Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 2007-04-29 Records
45 473010 HESPERIIDAE Kedestes macomo Macomo ranger Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 18 1992-04-20 Records
46 473050 HESPERIIDAE Kedestes mohozutza Fulvous ranger Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 38 2007-04-29 Records
47 473120 HESPERIIDAE Kedestes niveostriga niveostriga Dark ranger Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 21 1975-01-05 Records
48 472410 HESPERIIDAE Larsenia gemella Twin swift Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2005-03-19 Records
49 471670 HESPERIIDAE Metisella metis paris Gold-spotted sylph Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 23 2017-04-15 Records
50 471710 HESPERIIDAE Metisella orientalis Eastern sylph 1 1 1990-12-12 Records
51 475460 HESPERIIDAE Moltena fiara Strelitzia night-fighter Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 10 1976-02-08 Records
52 469190 HESPERIIDAE Netrobalane canopus Buff-tipped skipper Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 32 2013-08-28 Records
53 472200 HESPERIIDAE Parnara monasi Water watchman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1979-04-29 Records
54 472520 HESPERIIDAE Pelopidas mathias Black-branded swift Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 2005-03-21 Records
55 472530 HESPERIIDAE Pelopidas thrax White-branded swift Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 10 2001-04-12 Records
56 470700 HESPERIIDAE Sarangesa motozi Forest elfin Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 36 2015-01-22 Records
57 470760 HESPERIIDAE Sarangesa phidyle Small elfin Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1926-06-15 Records
58 471030 HESPERIIDAE Spialia asterodia Star sandman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1928-05-28 Records
59 471210 HESPERIIDAE Spialia dromus Forest sandman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 16 2007-04-29 Records
60 471340 HESPERIIDAE Spialia spio Mountain sandman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 20 2013-01-02 Records
61 469100 HESPERIIDAE Tagiades flesus Clouded flat Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 43 2008-03-24 Records
62 472560 HESPERIIDAE Tsitana tsita Dismal sylph Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 1969-12-11 Records
63 472080 HESPERIIDAE Zenonia zeno Orange-spotted hopper Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 1926-06-15 Records
64 475590 HESPERIIDAE Zophopetes dysmephila Palm-tree night-fighter Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 5 1973-06-06 Records
65 586430 LIMACODIDAE Latoia latistriga 1 1 2016-02-09 Records
66 464690 LYCAENIDAE Actizera lucida Rayed blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 27 2007-04-29 Records
67 441020 LYCAENIDAE Alaena amazoula amazoula Yellow zulu Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 1966-11-06 Records
68 458870 LYCAENIDAE Aloeides aranda Yellow russet Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 11 1964-10-09 Records
69 459460 LYCAENIDAE Aloeides penningtoni Natal russet Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1900-06-15 Records
70 459640 LYCAENIDAE Aloeides trimeni trimeni Brown russet Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 1900-06-15 Records
71 460430 LYCAENIDAE Anthene amarah amarah Black-striped ciliate blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 33 2007-04-30 Records
72 460620 LYCAENIDAE Anthene definita definita Steel-blue-ciliate blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 19 2008-03-24 Records
73 461270 LYCAENIDAE Anthene otacilia otacilia Trimen's ciliate blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 15 2008-03-23 Records
74 461500 LYCAENIDAE Anthene talboti Savanna ciliate blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 5 1951-05-07 Records
75 439710 LYCAENIDAE Aslauga australis Southern purple Near Threatened (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1980-12-22 Records
76 458500 LYCAENIDAE Axiocerses amanga amanga Bush scarlet Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 2007-04-29 Records
77 458620 LYCAENIDAE Axiocerses croesus Dark-banded scarlet Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 2007-04-29 Records
78 464800 LYCAENIDAE Azanus jesous Topaz babul blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 9 2006-04-11 Records
79 464810 LYCAENIDAE Azanus mirza Pale babul blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 2007-04-29 Records
80 464820 LYCAENIDAE Azanus moriqua Black-bordered babul blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 22 2008-03-23 Records
81 464830 LYCAENIDAE Azanus natalensis Natal babul blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1970-02-17 Records
82 464880 LYCAENIDAE Azanus ubaldus Velvet-spotted babul blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1914-02-02 Records
83 463670 LYCAENIDAE Cacyreus lingeus Bush bronze Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 28 2011-08-04 Records
84 463680 LYCAENIDAE Cacyreus marshalli Common geranium bronze Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2013-01-02 Records
85 463730 LYCAENIDAE Cacyreus virilis Mocker bronze Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2005-03-19 Records
86 456070 LYCAENIDAE Capys disjunctus Russet protea Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 5 2002-04-18 Records
87 457090 LYCAENIDAE Chrysoritis chrysaor Burnished opal Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 11 2002-04-19 Records
88 457210 LYCAENIDAE Chrysoritis natalensis Natal opal Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 32 2008-03-23 Records
89 458120 LYCAENIDAE Cigaritis ella Ella's silverline Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1979-04-29 Records
90 458270 LYCAENIDAE Cigaritis natalensis Natal silverline Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 35 2013-01-02 Records
91 456870 LYCAENIDAE Crudaria leroma Silver-spotted grey Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1982-04-11 Records
92 463090 LYCAENIDAE Cupidopsis cissus cissus Meadow blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 31 2013-01-02 Records
93 463120 LYCAENIDAE Cupidopsis jobates jobates Tailed meadow blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1914-05-30 Records
94 450200 LYCAENIDAE Deloneura millari millari Millar's large buff 1 1 1985-03-03 Records
95 454470 LYCAENIDAE Deudorix antalus Brown playboy Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 20 2008-03-24 Records
96 443750 LYCAENIDAE Durbania amakosa amakosa Amakoza rocksitter Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 11 1969-12-10 Records
97 464960 LYCAENIDAE Eicochrysops hippocrates White-tipped ash blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 38 2007-04-29 Records
98 465010 LYCAENIDAE Eicochrysops messapus mahallakoaena Cupreous ash blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 10 1926-06-15 Records
99 465170 LYCAENIDAE Euchrysops barkeri Pale smoky blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 8 2001-04-12 Records
100 465240 LYCAENIDAE Euchrysops dolorosa Sabie smoky blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 2006-04-11 Records
101 465310 LYCAENIDAE Euchrysops malathana Grey smoky blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 4 2006-04-10 Records
102 465380 LYCAENIDAE Euchrysops osiris Osiris smoky blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 2002-04-18 Records
103 453870 LYCAENIDAE Hypolycaena buxtoni buxtoni Buxton's hairstreak Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 38 2008-03-24 Records
104 454150 LYCAENIDAE Hypolycaena philippus philippus Purple-brown hairstreak Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 22 2007-04-29 Records
105 451630 LYCAENIDAE Iolaus aphnaeoides Yellow banded sapphire Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1993-12-17 Records
106 452480 LYCAENIDAE Iolaus sidus Red-line sapphire Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 23 2007-04-29 Records
107 453350 LYCAENIDAE Iolaus silas Southern sapphire Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 46 2013-01-02 Records
108 440210 LYCAENIDAE Lachnocnema bibulus Common woolly legs Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 2005-04-07 Records
109 440290 LYCAENIDAE Lachnocnema durbani Grassland woolly legs Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1875-12-15 Records
110 463230 LYCAENIDAE Lampides boeticus Pea blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 28 2013-01-02 Records
111 467190 LYCAENIDAE Lepidochrysops ortygia Koppie giant cupid Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1998-03-20 Records
112 467230 LYCAENIDAE Lepidochrysops patricia Patrician giant cupid Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1963-11-29 Records
113 467330 LYCAENIDAE Lepidochrysops plebeia plebeia Twin-spot giant cupid Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 25 1990-12-09 Records
114 454330 LYCAENIDAE Leptomyrina gorgias gorgias Lilac-based black-eye Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 24 2007-04-29 Records
115 454400 LYCAENIDAE Leptomyrina hirundo Tailed black-eye Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1998-03-23 Records
116 463950 LYCAENIDAE Leptotes indet. Leptotes indet. 1 4 2017-04-15 Records
117 463970 LYCAENIDAE Leptotes babaulti Babault's zebra blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2002-04-19 Records
118 463980 LYCAENIDAE Leptotes brevidentatus Short-toothed zebra blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1972-01-13 Records
119 464050 LYCAENIDAE Leptotes pirithous pirithous Common zebra blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 32 2007-04-29 Records
120 460220 LYCAENIDAE Lycaena clarki Eastern sorrel copper Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 1948-12-28 Records
121 450970 LYCAENIDAE Myrina dermaptera dermaptera Lesser fig tree blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 7 2006-04-14 Records
122 451070 LYCAENIDAE Myrina silenus ficedula Common fig tree blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 24 2007-04-29 Records
123 465560 LYCAENIDAE Orachrysops subravus Grizzled cupid Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 5 1972-09-26 Records
124 442180 LYCAENIDAE Pentila tropicalis tropicalis Spotted buff Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2018-03-21 Records
125 463170 LYCAENIDAE Pseudonacaduba sichela sichela Dusky line blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 4 1973-01-08 Records
126 453500 LYCAENIDAE Stugeta bowkeri bowkeri Bowker's marbled sapphire Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1900-06-15 Records
127 464400 LYCAENIDAE Tarucus bowkeri bowkeri Chequered pierrot Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 11 1969-01-17 Records
128 464490 LYCAENIDAE Tarucus sybaris sybaris Dotted pierrot Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 4 1900-06-15 Records
129 440600 LYCAENIDAE Thestor basutus basutus Basuto skolly Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 28 1979-01-20 Records
130 464170 LYCAENIDAE Tuxentius calice White pie Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 2002-04-20 Records
131 464330 LYCAENIDAE Tuxentius melaena melaena Black pie Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 10 2007-04-29 Records
132 454560 LYCAENIDAE Deudorix diocles Orange-barred playboy Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 83 2007-04-30 Records
133 464560 LYCAENIDAE Zintha hintza hintza Hintza pierrot Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 2002-04-18 Records
134 464605 LYCAENIDAE Zizeeria knysna knysna African grass blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 35 2007-04-29 Records
135 464650 LYCAENIDAE Zizina otis antanossa African clover blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 24 2017-04-15 Records
136 464720 LYCAENIDAE Zizula hylax Tiny grass blue Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 17 2007-04-29 Records
137 510110 NOCTUIDAE Chasmina tibialis 1 1 2015-01-22 Records
138 506710 NOCTUIDAE Heraclia indet. Heraclia indet. 1 1 2015-11-16 Records
139 410360 NYMPHALIDAE Acraea acara acara Acara acraea Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2004-04-25 Records
140 411990 NYMPHALIDAE Acraea aganice aganice Dark wanderer Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 64 2015-11-17 Records
141 410420 NYMPHALIDAE Acraea boopis boopis Rainforest acraea Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 20 2006-04-14 Records
142 410580 NYMPHALIDAE Acraea horta Garden acraea Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 14 2008-03-23 Records
143 411820 NYMPHALIDAE Acraea natalica Black-based acraea Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 34 2017-04-15 Records
144 410760 NYMPHALIDAE Acraea neobule neobule Wandering donkey acraea Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 2017-04-15 Records
145 411440 NYMPHALIDAE Acraea petraea Blood-red acraea Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 2002-04-18 Records
146 409530 NYMPHALIDAE Amauris albimaculata albimaculata Layman Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 30 2018-03-21 Records
147 409730 NYMPHALIDAE Amauris echeria echeria Chief Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 23 2008-03-02 Records
148 410120 NYMPHALIDAE Amauris ochlea ochlea Novice Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 2007-04-29 Records
149 437960 NYMPHALIDAE Antanartia schaeneia schaeneia Long-tailed admiral Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1926-05-15 Records
150 415900 NYMPHALIDAE Bicyclus anynana anynana Squinting bush brown Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2002-04-20 Records
151 416120 NYMPHALIDAE Bicyclus safitza safitza Black-haired bush brown Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 46 2018-03-21 Records
152 417970 NYMPHALIDAE Brakefieldia perspicua perspicua Marsh patroller Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1908-03-16 Records
153 408500 NYMPHALIDAE Byblia anvatara acheloia African joker Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 61 2017-04-15 Records
154 408530 NYMPHALIDAE Byblia ilithyia Spotted joker Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 2006-04-10 Records
155 419750 NYMPHALIDAE Cassionympha cassius Rainforest dull brown Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 2007-04-29 Records
156 435200 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes brutus natalensis White-barred charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 57 2008-03-24 Records
157 435220 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes candiope Green-veined charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 37 2009-04-01 Records
158 435270 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes castor flavifasciatus Giant charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1975-02-02 Records
159 435290 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes cithaeron cithaeron Blue-spotted charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 118 2008-12-30 Records
160 435440 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes druceanus druceanus Silver-barred charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 2007-04-29 Records
161 433650 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes karkloof karkloof Karkloof charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 25 2007-04-30 Records
162 434030 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes pondoensis Pondo charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 112 2008-03-24 Records
163 437080 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes varanes varanes Pearl charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 78 2011-08-04 Records
164 437370 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes xiphares thyestes Forest-king charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 32 2008-03-24 Records
165 432500 NYMPHALIDAE Charaxes zoolina Club-tailed charaxes Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 39 2006-04-10 Records
166 419500 NYMPHALIDAE Coenyra aurantiaca Pondo shadefly Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 99 2008-03-24 Records
167 420290 NYMPHALIDAE Cymothoe alcimeda trimeni Battling glider Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 58 2008-03-23 Records
168 420700 NYMPHALIDAE Cymothoe coranus coranus Blonde glider Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 102 2011-08-04 Records
169 409280 NYMPHALIDAE Danaus chrysippus orientis African plain tiger Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 28 2017-04-15 Records
170 415470 NYMPHALIDAE Dira oxylus Pondoland autumn widow Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1900-06-15 Records
171 408790 NYMPHALIDAE Eurytela dryope angulata Golden piper Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 16 2008-03-24 Records
172 408850 NYMPHALIDAE Eurytela hiarbas angustata Pied piper Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 39 2009-04-01 Records
173 415070 NYMPHALIDAE Gnophodes betsimena diversa Southern yellow-banded evening brown Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 112 2007-04-29 Records
174 439150 NYMPHALIDAE Hypolimnas anthedon wahlbergi Variable diadem Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 27 2006-04-14 Records
175 439300 NYMPHALIDAE Hypolimnas misippus Common diadem Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 28 2017-04-15 Records
176 438280 NYMPHALIDAE Junonia hierta cebrene Yellow pansy Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 2006-04-10 Records
177 438310 NYMPHALIDAE Junonia natalica natalica Brown commodore Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 2015-11-16 Records
178 438340 NYMPHALIDAE Junonia oenone oenone Dark blue pansy Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 46 2017-04-15 Records
179 438380 NYMPHALIDAE Junonia orithya madagascariensis African blue pansy Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2006-04-10 Records
180 438470 NYMPHALIDAE Junonia terea elgiva Soldier pansy Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 6 1974-04-19 Records
181 414870 NYMPHALIDAE Lachnoptera ayresii Blotched leopard Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 39 2011-08-04 Records
182 408280 NYMPHALIDAE Libythea labdaca laius African snout Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 36 2015-11-17 Records
183 415130 NYMPHALIDAE Melanitis leda Common evening brown Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 2006-04-12 Records
184 423270 NYMPHALIDAE Neptis laeta Common barred sailer Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 7 2002-04-22 Records
185 423790 NYMPHALIDAE Neptis saclava marpessa Spotted sailer Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 67 2011-08-04 Records
186 423910 NYMPHALIDAE Neptis trigonophora trigonophora Barred sailer Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 109 2008-03-24 Records
187 415190 NYMPHALIDAE Paralethe dendrophilus albina Bush beauty Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 78 2007-04-30 Records
188 415180 NYMPHALIDAE Paralethe dendrophilus dendrophilus Bush beauty Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1969-04-14 Records
189 414810 NYMPHALIDAE Pardopsis punctatissima Polka dot Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 9 2000-03-15 Records
190 414900 NYMPHALIDAE Phalanta eurytis eurytis Forest leopard Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 7 2015-11-16 Records
191 414940 NYMPHALIDAE Phalanta phalantha aethiopica African leopard Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 11 2006-04-14 Records
192 438810 NYMPHALIDAE Precis archesia archesia Garden inspector Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 29 2015-10-02 Records
193 438840 NYMPHALIDAE Precis ceryne ceryne Marsh commodore Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1991-04-08 Records
194 438980 NYMPHALIDAE Precis octavia sesamus Southern gaudy commodore Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 13 2014-08-12 Records
195 438700 NYMPHALIDAE Protogoniomorpha anacardii nebulosa Clouded Mother-of-pearl Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 1981-11-02 Records
196 438720 NYMPHALIDAE Protogoniomorpha parhassus Common Mother-of-pearl Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 15 2008-03-24 Records
197 422310 NYMPHALIDAE Pseudacraea boisduvalii trimenii Boisduval's false acraea Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 18 2008-03-24 Records
198 422540 NYMPHALIDAE Pseudacraea eurytus imitator False wanderer Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 75 2008-03-24 Records
199 422740 NYMPHALIDAE Pseudacraea lucretia tarquinea False chief Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 53 2011-08-04 Records
200 419830 NYMPHALIDAE Pseudonympha magoides False silver-bottom brown Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1989-03-15 Records
201 419990 NYMPHALIDAE Pseudonympha varii Mountain marsh brown Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1930-11-15 Records
202 408960 NYMPHALIDAE Sevenia boisduvali boisduvali Boisduval's tree nymph Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 21 2007-04-29 Records
203 409050 NYMPHALIDAE Sevenia morantii Morant's tree nymph Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 11 2007-04-29 Records
204 409060 NYMPHALIDAE Sevenia natalensis Bronze tree nymph Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 10 2005-03-21 Records
205 420100 NYMPHALIDAE Stygionympha scotina scotina Eastern hillside brown Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 7 2017-10-27 Records
206 413980 NYMPHALIDAE Telchinia anacreon Orange telchinia Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1875-12-15 Records
207 413100 NYMPHALIDAE Telchinia cabira Yellow-banded telchinia Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 14 2007-04-29 Records
208 413120 NYMPHALIDAE Telchinia cerasa cerasa Tree-top telchinia Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 46 2008-03-24 Records
209 413200 NYMPHALIDAE Telchinia encedon encedon White-barred telchinia Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 33 2007-04-29 Records
210 413230 NYMPHALIDAE Telchinia esebria Dusky telchinia Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 87 2011-08-04 Records
211 414270 NYMPHALIDAE Telchinia igola Dusky-veined telchinia Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 174 2011-08-04 Records
212 413770 NYMPHALIDAE Telchinia serena Dancing telchinia Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 61 2017-04-15 Records
213 438050 NYMPHALIDAE Vanessa cardui Painted lady Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 15 2017-04-15 Records
214 438130 NYMPHALIDAE Vanessa hippomene hippomene Southern short-tailed admiral Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 10 2002-04-19 Records
215 402430 PAPILIONIDAE Graphium leonidas leonidas Veined swordtail Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 32 2005-03-23 Records
216 402590 PAPILIONIDAE Graphium policenes policenes Small striped swordtail Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 35 2008-03-24 Records
217 400410 PAPILIONIDAE Papilio dardanus cenea Mocker swallowtail Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 147 2017-04-15 Records
218 400530 PAPILIONIDAE Papilio demodocus demodocus Citrus swallowtail Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 26 2017-04-15 Records
219 400800 PAPILIONIDAE Papilio euphranor Bush kite Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 4 1991-04-10 Records
220 401360 PAPILIONIDAE Papilio nireus lyaeus Narrow green-banded swallowtail Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 32 2020-01-29 Records
221 401520 PAPILIONIDAE Papilio ophidicephalus phalusco Emperor swallowtail Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 23 2008-03-24 Records
222 403540 PIERIDAE Afrodryas leda Autumn-leaf vagrant Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 75 2006-04-14 Records
223 405230 PIERIDAE Appias epaphia contracta Diverse Albatross White Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 45 2006-04-12 Records
224 405390 PIERIDAE Appias sabina phoebe Sabine albatross white Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 2011-08-04 Records
225 407450 PIERIDAE Belenois aurota Pioneer caper white Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 5 2008-03-24 Records
226 407590 PIERIDAE Belenois creona severina African caper white Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 14 2007-04-29 Records
227 407630 PIERIDAE Belenois gidica abyssinica African veined white Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 31 2017-04-15 Records
228 408060 PIERIDAE Belenois thysa thysa False dotted border Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 7 2015-11-17 Records
229 408170 PIERIDAE Belenois zochalia zochalia Forest caper white Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 21 2007-04-29 Records
230 403120 PIERIDAE Catopsilia florella African migrant Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 30 2017-04-15 Records
231 403160 PIERIDAE Colias electo electo African clouded yellow Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 4 2007-04-29 Records
232 403740 PIERIDAE Colotis annae annae Scarlet tip Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 5 2009-04-01 Records
233 403790 PIERIDAE Colotis antevippe gavisa Red tip Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 2000-03-15 Records
234 403830 PIERIDAE Colotis auxo auxo Sulphur orange tip Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 9 2009-04-01 Records
235 404110 PIERIDAE Colotis erone Coast purple tip Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 73 2014-08-12 Records
236 404160 PIERIDAE Colotis euippe mediata Smoky orange tip 1 1 1975-06-26 Records
237 404180 PIERIDAE Colotis euippe omphale Southern round-winged orange tip Least Concern (LC) 1 10 1974-04-19 Records
238 404240 PIERIDAE Colotis evagore antigone Small orange tip Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 1910-04-25 Records
239 404320 PIERIDAE Colotis evenina evenina African orange tip Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 1 2000-03-15 Records
240 407190 PIERIDAE Dixeia charina charina African ant-heap white Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 5 2014-08-12 Records
241 407370 PIERIDAE Dixeia pigea Small ant-heap white Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 132 2020-01-29 Records
242 403510 PIERIDAE Eronia cleodora Vine-leaf vagrant Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 67 2017-04-15 Records
243 402930 PIERIDAE Eurema brigitta brigitta Broad-bordered grass yellow Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 33 2017-04-15 Records
244 402970 PIERIDAE Eurema desjardinsii regularis Angled grass yellow Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 27 1974-04-18 Records
245 403080 PIERIDAE Eurema hecabe solifera Lowveld yellow Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 12 2007-04-29 Records
246 404990 PIERIDAE Leptosia alcesta inalcesta African wood white Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2000-03-15 Records
247 405670 PIERIDAE Mylothris agathina agathina Eastern dotted border Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 28 2007-04-29 Records
248 406690 PIERIDAE Mylothris rueppellii haemus Twin dotted border Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 11 2007-04-29 Records
249 407070 PIERIDAE Mylothris trimenia Sulphur dotted border Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 30 2008-03-24 Records
250 403360 PIERIDAE Nepheronia argia mhondana Large vagrant 1 1 2002-04-22 Records
251 403370 PIERIDAE Nepheronia argia varia Large vagrant Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 116 2007-04-29 Records
252 403400 PIERIDAE Nepheronia buquetii buquetii Buquet's vagrant Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 1989-03-15 Records
253 403480 PIERIDAE Nepheronia thalassina sinalata Cambridge vagrant Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 2 2002-04-18 Records
254 403690 PIERIDAE Teracolus eris eris Banded gold tip Least Concern (SABCA 2013) 1 3 2009-04-01 Records
255 622620 SATURNIIDAE Imbrasia wahlbergii 1 1 2017-10-28 Records
256 625940 SPHINGIDAE Sphingidae indet. Sphingidae indet. 1 1 2013-01-01 Records
257 626850 SPHINGIDAE Euchloron megaera 1 1 2013-01-01 Records
258 627400 SPHINGIDAE Macroglossum trochilus 1 1 2013-01-01 Records

  Total         258 5401 2007-04-29*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
Mecenero, S., J.B. Ball, D.A. Edge, M.L. Hamer, G.A. Hening, M. Krüger, E.L. Pringle, R.F. Terblanche & M.C. Williams (eds). 2013. Conservation assessment of butterflies of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland: Red List and atlas. Saftronics (Pty) Ltd., Johannesburg and Animal Demography Unit, Cape Town.

ID pending record(s) for this locus: 0 records

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). LepiMAP Virtual Museum. Accessed at https://vmus.adu.org.za/?vm=LepiMAP on 2024-12-12

[ Page served: December 12, 2024, 11:40 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT