BirdPix — Bird Pictures Archive

Summary information for locus 1527CD

92 species found for locus = 1527CD
Date filter: none

Records for 1527CD

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 134 Accipitridae Aquila rapax Tawny Eagle Global: LC; BLSA: EN 1 1 2024-02-28 Records
2 146 Accipitridae Circaetus [gallicus] pectoralis Black-chested (Breasted) Snake-Eagle 1 2 2024-06-26 Records
3 166 Accipitridae Circus aeruginosus Western (European) Marsh-Harrier 1 1 2021-05-09 Records
4 107 Accipitridae Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Global: CR; BLSA: CR 1 5 2022-12-27 Records
5 149 Accipitridae Haliaeetus vocifer African Fish-Eagle 1 4 2022-12-27 Records
6 142 Accipitridae Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle Global: VU; BLSA: EN 1 2 2022-12-27 Records
7 109 Accipitridae Trigonoceps occipitalis White-headed Vulture Global: CR; BLSA: CR 1 1 2017-03-11 Records
8 488 Alaudidae Calandrella [brachydactyla] cinerea Red-capped Lark 1 2 2021-05-09 Records
9 484 Alaudidae Eremopterix leucotis Chestnut-backed Sparrowlark (Finchlark) 1 1 2021-05-09 Records
10 397 Alcedinidae Alcedo cristata Malachite Kingfisher 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
11 97 Anatidae Anas erythrorhyncha Red-billed Teal (Duck) 1 2 2022-12-27 Records
12 102 Anatidae Netta erythrophthalma Southern Pochard 1 1 2024-02-28 Records
13 88 Anatidae Plectropterus gambensis Spur-winged Goose 1 3 2024-02-28 Records
14 54 Ardeidae Ardea cinerea Grey Heron 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
15 56 Ardeidae Ardea goliath Goliath Heron 1 1 2020-03-14 Records
16 55 Ardeidae Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
17 61 Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret 1 1 2022-04-16 Records
18 58 Ardeidae Egretta alba Great Egret 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
19 64 Ardeidae Egretta ardesiaca Black Heron 1 2 2020-10-17 Records
20 426 Bucerotidae Tockus leucomelas Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill 1 3 2022-04-16 Records
21 275 Burhinidae Burhinus capensis Spotted Thick-knee (Dikkop) 1 1 2021-05-09 Records
22 377 Caprimulgidae Macrodipteryx vexillarius Pennant-winged Nightjar 1 1 2022-04-16 Records
23 1036 Centropodidae Centropus superciliosus White-browed Coucal (split) 1 1 2022-04-15 Records
24 240 Charadriidae Charadrius asiaticus Caspian Plover 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
25 233 Charadriidae Charadrius hiaticula Common Ringed Plover 1 1 2020-03-13 Records
26 237 Charadriidae Charadrius pecuarius Kittlitz's Plover 1 1 2020-03-15 Records
27 1039 Charadriidae Pluvialis fulva Pacific (Asiatic) Golden-Plover 1 2 2020-10-17 Records
28 242 Charadriidae Vanellus coronatus Crowned Lapwing (Plover) 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
29 248 Charadriidae Vanellus crassirostris Long-toed Lapwing (Plover) 1 2 2021-05-09 Records
30 74 Ciconiidae Anastomus lamelligerus African (Openbilled) Openbill (Stork) 1 1 2022-04-16 Records
31 73 Ciconiidae Leptoptilos crumeniferus Marabou Stork Global: LC; BLSA: NT 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
32 76 Ciconiidae Mycteria ibis Yellow-billed Stork Global: LC; BLSA: EN 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
33 646 Cisticolidae Cisticola tinniens Levaillant's (Tinkling) Cisticola 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
34 316 Columbidae Streptopelia capicola Cape Turtle (Ring-necked) Dove 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
35 352 Cuculidae Chrysococcyx caprius Dideric (Diederik) Cuckoo 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
36 346 Cuculidae Clamator glandarius Great Spotted Cuckoo 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
37 348 Cuculidae Clamator (Oxylophus) jacobinus Jacobin (Pied) Cuckoo 1 1 2022-04-16 Records
38 399 Dacelonidae Halcyon senegalensis Woodland Kingfisher 1 1 2022-04-16 Records
39 395 Dacelonidae Megaceryle maxima (H. maximus) Giant Kingfisher 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
40 121 Falconidae Falco dickinsoni Dickinson's Kestrel 1 1 2022-04-16 Records
41 277 Glareolidae Cursorius temminckii Temminck's Courser 1 1 2021-05-09 Records
42 281 Glareolidae Glareola pratincola Collared (Red-winged) Pratincole 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
43 214 Gruidae Balearica regulorum Grey Crowned- (Crowned) Crane Global: EN; BLSA: EN 1 5 2022-12-27 Records
44 215 Gruidae Bugeranus carunculatus Wattled Crane Global: VU; BLSA: CR 1 4 2022-04-16 Records
45 495 Hirundinidae Hirundo albigularis White-throated Swallow 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
46 501 Hirundinidae Hirundo semirufa Red-breasted (Rufous-chested) Swallow 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
47 510 Hirundinidae Riparia cincta Banded Martin 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
48 508 Hirundinidae Riparia riparia Sand Martin (Bank Swallow) 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
49 724 Laniidae Urolestes melanoleucus Magpie (Long-tailed) Shrike Least Concern (IUCN ver 3.1) 1 2 2022-04-16 Records
50 305 Laridae Chlidonias hybridus Whiskered Tern 1 1 2020-03-14 Records
51 304 Laridae Chlidonias leucopterus White-winged Tern 1 1 2020-03-13 Records
52 288 Laridae Larus cirrocephalus Grey-headed Gull 1 2 2021-05-09 Records
53 306 Laridae Rynchops flavirostris African Skimmer Global: NT; BLSA: NA 1 3 2024-02-28 Records
54 299 Laridae Sterna albifrons Little Tern 1 1 2020-03-13 Records
55 290 Laridae Sterna caspia Caspian Tern Global: LC; BLSA: VU 1 1 2020-03-15 Records
56 902 Laridae Sterna nilotica Gull-billed Tern 1 1 2020-03-14 Records
57 411 Meropidae Merops hirundineus Swallow-tailed Bee-eater 1 2 2021-05-09 Records
58 405 Meropidae Merops persicus Blue-cheeked Bee-eater 1 4 2022-12-27 Records
59 694 Motacillidae Anthus leucophrys Plain-backed Pipit 1 1 2021-05-09 Records
60 705 Motacillidae Macronyx ameliae Rosy-throated (Pink-throated) Longclaw Global: LC; BLSA: NT 1 3 2022-12-27 Records
61 689 Motacillidae Motacilla flava Western Yellow Wagtail 1 1 2020-03-15 Records
62 568 Muscicapidae Oenanthe pileata Capped Wheatear 1 1 2021-05-09 Records
63 339 Musophagidae Corythaixoides concolor Grey Go-away-bird (Lourie) 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
64 227 Otididae Eupodotis melanogaster Black-bellied Bustard 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
65 219 Otididae Neotis denhami Denham's (Stanley's) Bustard Global: NT; BLSA: VU 1 2 2022-04-16 Records
66 42 Pelecanidae Pelecanus onocrotalus Great White Pelican Global: LC; BLSA: VU 1 1 2021-05-09 Records
67 41 Pelecanidae Pelecanus rufescens Pink-backed Pelican Global: LC; BLSA: VU 1 2 2022-12-27 Records
68 189 Phasianidae Coturnix coturnix [africana] Common Quail 1 1 2021-05-09 Records
69 185 Phasianidae Pternistis swainsonii Swainson's Spurfowl (Francolin) 1 2 2022-12-27 Records
70 793 Ploceidae Anaplectes rubriceps Red-headed Weaver 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
71 310 Pteroclidae Pterocles bicinctus Double-banded Sandgrouse 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
72 309 Pteroclidae Pterocles gutturalis Yellow-throated Sandgrouse Global: LC; BLSA: NT 1 5 2022-12-27 Records
73 208 Rallidae Porphyrio madagascariensis African Purple (Purple) Swamphen (Gallinule) 1 2 2022-12-27 Records
74 270 Recurvirostridae Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt 1 2 2022-12-27 Records
75 105 Sagittariidae Sagittarius serpentarius Secretarybird Global: VU; BLSA: VU 1 3 2022-12-27 Records
76 232 Scolopacidae Arenaria interpres Ruddy Turnstone 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
77 251 Scolopacidae Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper Global: NT; BLSA: LC 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
78 253 Scolopacidae Calidris minuta Little Stint 1 1 2020-03-15 Records
79 266 Scolopacidae Limosa lapponica Bar-tailed Godwit Global: NT; BLSA: LC 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
80 265 Scolopacidae Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit Global: NT; BLSA: NA 1 2 2022-12-27 Records
81 267 Scolopacidae Numenius arquata Eurasian (Curlew) Curlew Global: NT; BLSA: NT 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
82 268 Scolopacidae Numenius phaeopus Common (Whimbrel) Whimbrel 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
83 256 Scolopacidae Philomachus pugnax Ruff 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
84 264 Scolopacidae Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
85 262 Scolopacidae Tringa stagnatilis Marsh Sandpiper 1 1 2020-03-15 Records
86 257 Scolopacidae Xenus cinereus Terek Sandpiper 1 1 2020-03-15 Records
87 72 Scopidae Scopus umbretta Hamerkop 1 1 2022-12-27 Records
88 735 Sturnidae Creatophora cinerea Wattled Starling 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
89 604 Sylviidae Acrocephalus gracilirostris Lesser Swamp- (Cape Reed) Warbler 1 1 2020-03-13 Records
90 85 Threskiornithidae Platalea alba African Spoonbill 1 2 2022-12-27 Records
91 83 Threskiornithidae Plegadis falcinellus Glossy Ibis 1 1 2020-10-17 Records
92 81 Threskiornithidae Threskiornis aethiopicus African Sacred (Sacred) Ibis 1 1 2022-12-27 Records

  Total         92 140 2022-04-16*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (

ID pending record(s) for this locus: 0 records

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). BirdPix Virtual Museum. Accessed at on 2024-09-22

[ Page served: September 22, 2024, 08:04 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT