BirdPix — Bird Pictures Archive

Summary information for locus 2520CD

56 species found for locus = 2520CD
Date filter: none

Records for 2520CD

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 134 Accipitridae Aquila rapax Tawny Eagle Global: LC; BLSA: EN 1 2 2022-05-22 Records
2 154 Accipitridae Buteo buteo Steppe (Common) Buzzard 1 1 2012-12-18 Records
3 146 Accipitridae Circaetus [gallicus] pectoralis Black-chested (Breasted) Snake-Eagle 1 3 2016-04-03 Records
4 130 Accipitridae Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered (Winged) Kite 1 1 2020-11-25 Records
5 107 Accipitridae Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Global: CR; BLSA: CR 1 1 2019-10-06 Records
6 165 Accipitridae Melierax canorus Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk 1 5 2022-05-06 Records
7 162 Accipitridae Micronisus (Melierax) gabar Gabar Goshawk 1 2 2022-05-21 Records
8 151 Accipitridae Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur Global: NT; BLSA: EN 1 1 2016-03-15 Records
9 459 Alaudidae Mirafra [Calendulauda] africanoides Fawn-coloured Lark 1 4 2022-06-07 Records
10 485 Alaudidae Eremopterix verticalis Grey-backed Sparrowlark (Finchlark) 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
11 55 Ardeidae Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron 1 6 2023-11-28 Records
12 58 Ardeidae Egretta alba Great Egret 1 1 2014-03-14 Records
13 426 Bucerotidae Tockus leucomelas Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill 1 1 2013-03-30 Records
14 424 Bucerotidae Tockus nasutus African Grey Hornbill 1 1 2022-05-07 Records
15 275 Burhinidae Burhinus capensis Spotted Thick-knee (Dikkop) 1 1 2020-11-25 Records
16 242 Charadriidae Vanellus coronatus Crowned Lapwing (Plover) 1 1 2022-05-22 Records
17 630 Cisticolidae Cisticola aridulus Desert Cisticola 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
18 650 Cisticolidae Prinia flavicans Black-chested Prinia 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
19 318 Columbidae Oena capensis Namaqua Dove 1 5 2022-06-07 Records
20 316 Columbidae Streptopelia capicola Cape Turtle (Ring-necked) Dove 1 2 2022-05-19 Records
21 413 Coraciidae Coracias caudata (C. caudatus) Lilac-breasted Roller 1 1 2020-11-25 Records
22 523 Corvidae Corvus capensis Cape (Black) Crow 1 3 2022-05-21 Records
23 517 Dicruridae Dicrurus adsimilis Fork-tailed Drongo 1 1 2022-05-07 Records
24 820 Estrildidae Amadina erythrocephala Red-headed Finch 1 6 2022-06-07 Records
25 114 Falconidae Falco biarmicus Lanner Falcon Global: LC; BLSA: VU 1 2 2022-06-07 Records
26 117 Falconidae Falco chicquera Red-necked Falcon 1 2 2023-11-28 Records
27 122 Falconidae Falco rupicoloides Greater Kestrel 1 1 2013-03-31 Records
28 126 Falconidae Polihierax semitorquatus Pygmy Falcon 1 2 2014-04-26 Records
29 866 Fringillidae Serinus flaviventris Yellow Canary 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
30 707 Laniidae Lanius collaris Southern Fiscal 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
31 674 Malaconotidae Batis pririt Pririt Batis 1 1 2014-03-23 Records
32 711 Malaconotidae Laniarius atrococcineus Crimson-breasted Shrike 1 2 2016-03-17 Records
33 411 Meropidae Merops hirundineus Swallow-tailed Bee-eater 1 3 2022-05-21 Records
34 663 Muscicapidae Bradornis infuscatus Chat Flycatcher 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
35 661 Muscicapidae Bradornis mariquensis Marico Flycatcher 1 2 2022-05-19 Records
36 570 Muscicapidae Cercomela familiaris Familiar Chat 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
37 586 Muscicapidae Cercotrichas (Erythropygia) paena Kalahari Scrub-Robin 1 1 2019-03-27 Records
38 575 Muscicapidae Myrmecocichla formicivora Ant-eating Chat 1 1 2022-06-07 Records
39 568 Muscicapidae Oenanthe pileata Capped Wheatear 1 1 2014-04-26 Records
40 1035 Otididae Afrotis afraoides Northern Black Korhaan (split) 1 3 2022-05-19 Records
41 217 Otididae Ardeotis kori Kori Bustard Global: NT; BLSA: NT 1 5 2022-05-06 Records
42 786 Passeridae Passer melanurus Cape Sparrow 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
43 783 Ploceidae Philetairus socius Sociable (Social) Weaver 1 2 2019-10-06 Records
44 780 Ploceidae Plocepasser mahali White-browed Sparrow-Weaver 1 3 2023-11-28 Records
45 805 Ploceidae Quelea quelea Red-billed Quelea 1 4 2022-06-07 Records
46 789 Ploceidae Sporopipes squamifrons Scaly-feathered Finch 1 6 2022-06-07 Records
47 308 Pteroclidae Pterocles burchelli Burchell's Sandgrouse 1 3 2022-06-07 Records
48 269 Recurvirostridae Recurvirostra avosetta Pied (Avocet) Avocet 1 1 2014-03-14 Records
49 421 Rhinopomastidae Rhinopomastus cyanomelas Common Scimitarbill 1 1 2022-05-19 Records
50 105 Sagittariidae Sagittarius serpentarius Secretarybird Global: VU; BLSA: VU 1 7 2022-05-21 Records
51 368 Strigidae Bubo africanus Spotted Eagle-Owl 1 1 2020-10-15 Records
52 369 Strigidae Bubo lacteus Verreaux's (Giant) Eagle-Owl 1 1 2014-04-26 Records
53 364 Strigidae Ptilopsis granti Southern White-faced Owl 1 2 2022-05-07 Records
54 1 Struthionidae Struthio camelus Common Ostrich 1 4 2022-05-19 Records
55 737 Sturnidae Lamprotornis nitens Cape Glossy (Glossy) Starling 1 1 2022-05-06 Records
56 608 Sylviidae Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Sedge Warbler 1 1 2010-11-03 Records

  Total         56 120 2022-05-06*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (

ID pending record(s) for this locus: 0 records

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). BirdPix Virtual Museum. Accessed at on 2024-09-26

[ Page served: September 26, 2024, 08:13 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT