OdonataMAP — Odonata Atlas of Africa

Summary information for locus NW_007008BC

122 species found for locus = NW_007008BC
Date filter: none

Records for NW_007008BC

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 664100 Aeshnidae Anax chloromelas Black-and-blue Emperor 1 6 2012-03-03 Records
2 664140 Aeshnidae Anax imperator Blue Emperor LC 1 13 2012-03-01 Records
3 664290 Aeshnidae Gynacantha bullata Black-kneed Duskhawker 1 9 2012-03-01 Records
4 664240 Aeshnidae Gynacantha cylindrata Greater Girdled Duskhawker 1 3 2010-12-31 Records
5 664260 Aeshnidae Gynacantha vesiculata Lesser Girdled Duskhawker 1 1 2011-01-07 Records
6 664390 Aeshnidae Heliaeschna fuliginosa Black-banded Duskhawker 1 3 2011-01-09 Records
7 664400 Aeshnidae Heliaeschna sembe Hybrid Duskhawker 1 3 2011-01-09 Records
8 660570 Calopterygidae Phaon camerunensis Emerald Demoiselle (RAINFOREST?) 1 1 2012-02-24 Records
9 660580 Calopterygidae Phaon iridipennis Glistening Demoiselle LC 1 10 2011-03-20 Records
10 660600 Calopterygidae Sapho bicolor Spring Bluewing 1 21 2012-03-09 Records
11 660610 Calopterygidae Sapho ciliata Western Bluewing 1 27 2012-03-01 Records
12 660620 Calopterygidae Sapho fumosa Smokewing/Cloudwing/Mistwing 1 29 2011-03-20 Records
13 660670 Calopterygidae Umma cincta Broad-winged Sparklewing 1 22 2012-03-01 Records
14 660890 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha curta Blue-tipped Jewel 1 14 2011-01-10 Records
15 660920 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha dispar Little Red Jewel 1 21 2012-03-01 Records
16 661010 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha luminosa Orange Jewel 1 1 2010-10-12 Records
17 661040 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha pyriformosa River Jewel 1 1 2010-10-07 Records
18 661050 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha radix Western Red-tipped Jewel 1 10 2011-01-10 Records
19 661090 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha selysi Blue-faced Jewel 1 25 2012-03-01 Records
20 662170 Coenagrionidae Aciagrion africanum Blue Slim 1 15 2011-01-11 Records
21 662220 Coenagrionidae Aciagrion gracile Graceful Slim LC (Global); NT (RSA) 1 1 2012-02-23 Records
22 662390 Coenagrionidae Africallagma subtile Fragile Bluet 1 3 2012-02-23 Records
23 662460 Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis exilis Little Wisp LC 1 2 2010-10-12 Records
24 662510 Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis maclachlani Forest Wisp 1 5 2011-01-08 Records
25 662580 Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis victoria Lesser Pincer-tailed Wisp 1 3 2011-01-08 Records
26 662650 Coenagrionidae Azuragrion vansomereni Tiny Bluet 1 3 2011-01-06 Records
27 662680 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion bakeri Blue-fronted Citril 1 11 2011-03-20 Records
28 662710 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion corallinum Green-fronted Citril 1 8 2011-01-08 Records
29 662720 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion glabrum Common Citril LC 1 18 2011-03-19 Records
30 662880 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion rubellocerinum Red-tipped Citril 1 18 2012-02-23 Records
31 662810 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion whellani Yellow-faced Citril 1 9 2011-01-08 Records
32 663280 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion cyathiforme Scoop-tailed Slim Sprite 1 1 2011-01-08 Records
33 663750 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion glaucescens Blue-green Sprite 1 5 2011-01-14 Records
34 663780 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion hamoni Swarthy Sprite LC 1 3 2012-03-01 Records
35 663420 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion hemicolon Semicolon Slim Sprite 1 27 2012-03-01 Records
36 663460 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion kersteni Powder-faced Sprite LC 1 1 2011-01-06 Records
37 663510 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion melanicterum Farmbush Sprite 1 29 2012-03-01 Records
38 663870 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion sjoestedti Variable Sprite LC 1 1 2011-01-05 Records
39 664690 Gomphidae Diastatomma gamblesi Western Hoetail 1 6 2012-03-01 Records
40 664760 Gomphidae Gomphidia gamblesi Western Fingertail 1 1 2011-03-21 Records
41 665000 Gomphidae Libyogomphus christinae Western Horntail 1 3 2012-02-23 Records
42 665120 Gomphidae Microgomphus jannyae Western Scissortail 1 1 2010-10-09 Records
43 665900 Gomphidae Paragomphus serrulatus Tiger Hooktail 1 8 2011-01-06 Records
44 665920 Gomphidae Paragomphus tournieri Tournier's Hooktail 1 2 2011-03-18 Records
45 666110 Gomphidae Tragogomphus grogonfla Western Horntail 1 8 2012-03-09 Records
46 660320 Lestidae Lestes dissimulans Cryptic Spreadwing LC 1 4 2010-09-27 Records
47 660330 Lestidae Lestes tridens Spotted Spreadwing LC 1 14 2011-03-20 Records
48 666750 Libellulidae Acisoma inflatum Stout Pintail LC 1 14 2012-02-23 Records
49 666760 Libellulidae Acisoma trifidum Pied Pintail 1 9 2011-01-01 Records
50 666800 Libellulidae Aethiothemis bella Striped Flasher 1 36 2011-01-08 Records
51 666900 Libellulidae Aethiothemis solitaria Pearly Flasher 1 18 2010-10-08 Records
52 666920 Libellulidae Aethriamanta rezia Pygmy Basker LC 1 5 2011-01-08 Records
53 666980 Libellulidae Atoconeura luxata Western Highlander 1 7 2011-01-11 Records
54 667090 Libellulidae Chalcostephia flavifrons Inspector LC 1 11 2012-03-01 Records
55 667120 Libellulidae Crocothemis divisa Rock Scarlet LC 1 2 2010-04-25 Records
56 667130 Libellulidae Crocothemis erythraea Broad Scarlet LC 1 7 2012-03-01 Records
57 667140 Libellulidae Crocothemis sanguinolenta Little Scarlet LC 1 14 2012-03-01 Records
58 667170 Libellulidae Cyanothemis simpsoni Bluebolt 1 2 2011-01-05 Records
59 667200 Libellulidae Diplacodes lefebvrii Black Percher LC 1 16 2011-01-11 Records
60 667280 Libellulidae Eleuthemis umbrina Shadow Firebelly 1 1 2010-10-09 Records
61 667300 Libellulidae Hadrothemis camarensis Saddled Jungleskimmer 1 1 2011-03-20 Records
62 667310 Libellulidae Hadrothemis coacta Robust Jungleskimmer 1 2 2012-02-23 Records
63 667320 Libellulidae Hadrothemis defecta Scarlet Jungleskimmer 1 20 2012-03-01 Records
64 667330 Libellulidae Hadrothemis infesta Slender Jungleskimmer 1 7 2012-03-01 Records
65 667380 Libellulidae Hemistigma albipunctum African Piedspot LC 1 2 2012-02-22 Records
66 667490 Libellulidae Micromacromia camerunica Stream Micmac 1 2 2011-01-10 Records
67 667520 Libellulidae Micromacromia zygoptera Spring Micmac 1 16 2012-03-09 Records
68 667590 Libellulidae Neodythemis klingi Stream Junglewatcher 1 25 2012-03-01 Records
69 667700 Libellulidae Nesciothemis minor Small Blacktail 1 1 2010-10-08 Records
70 667670 Libellulidae Nesciothemis nigeriensis Greater Peppertail 1 20 2011-03-22 Records
71 667710 Libellulidae Nesciothemis pujoli Western Blacktail 1 2 2010-09-29 Records
72 667740 Libellulidae Notiothemis robertsi Western Forestwatcher 1 11 2019-07-13 Records
73 667760 Libellulidae Olpogastra lugubris Bottletail LC 1 2 2011-01-11 Records
74 667780 Libellulidae Orthetrum abbotti Little Skimmer LC 1 14 2011-01-08 Records
75 667800 Libellulidae Orthetrum agaricum Western Mushroom Skimmer 1 1 2011-03-20 Records
76 667820 Libellulidae Orthetrum austeni Giant Skimmer 1 21 2012-03-01 Records
77 667830 Libellulidae Orthetrum brachiale Banded Skimmer LC 1 2 2011-03-20 Records
78 667900 Libellulidae Orthetrum chrysostigma Epaulet Skimmer LC 1 2 2011-01-06 Records
79 667920 Libellulidae Orthetrum guineense Guinea Skimmer LC 1 4 2011-01-10 Records
80 667930 Libellulidae Orthetrum hintzi Dark-shouldered Skimmer LC 1 36 2012-02-23 Records
81 667940 Libellulidae Orthetrum icteromelas Spectacled Skimmer LC 1 3 2011-01-06 Records
82 667950 Libellulidae Orthetrum julia Julia Skimmer LC 1 31 2012-02-23 Records
83 667980 Libellulidae Orthetrum latihami Dambo Skimmer 1 7 2012-03-01 Records
84 668020 Libellulidae Orthetrum microstigma Farmbush Skimmer 1 14 2012-02-22 Records
85 668110 Libellulidae Orthetrum stemmale Bold Skimmer LC 1 4 2011-01-07 Records
86 668120 Libellulidae Orthetrum trinacria Long Skimmer LC 1 1 2010-12-27 Records
87 668180 Libellulidae Palpopleura deceptor Deceptive Widow LC 1 1 2011-01-10 Records
88 668200 Libellulidae Palpopleura lucia Lucia Widow LC 1 17 2012-02-22 Records
89 668210 Libellulidae Palpopleura portia Portia Widow LC 1 19 2012-02-22 Records
90 668230 Libellulidae Pantala flavescens Wandering Glider LC 1 5 2012-02-22 Records
91 668250 Libellulidae Parazyxomma flavicans Banded Duskdarter LC (Global); VU (RSA) 1 2 2010-12-27 Records
92 668280 Libellulidae Porpax bipunctus Seepage Pricklyleg 1 7 2012-03-09 Records
93 668340 Libellulidae Rhyothemis fenestrina Skylight Flutterer 1 2 2012-03-01 Records
94 668360 Libellulidae Rhyothemis notata Veiled Flutterer 1 1 2012-02-22 Records
95 668370 Libellulidae Rhyothemis semihyalina Phantom Flutterer LC 1 1 2010-12-27 Records
96 668480 Libellulidae Tetrathemis camerunensis Forest Elf 1 10 2012-03-01 Records
97 668520 Libellulidae Tetrathemis godiardi Western Elf 1 5 2012-03-01 Records
98 668570 Libellulidae Thermochoria equivocata Dash-winged Piedface 1 2 2012-02-23 Records
99 668600 Libellulidae Tholymis tillarga Twister LC 1 4 2012-03-01 Records
100 668620 Libellulidae Tramea basilaris Keyhole Glider LC 1 4 2011-01-06 Records
101 668630 Libellulidae Tramea limbata Ferruginous Glider LC 1 8 2012-03-01 Records
102 668740 Libellulidae Trithemis aconita Halfshade Dropwing LC 1 10 2011-01-11 Records
103 668660 Libellulidae Trithemis annulata Violet Dropwing LC 1 1 2011-01-06 Records
104 668670 Libellulidae Trithemis arteriosa Red-veined Dropwing LC 1 5 2011-01-08 Records
105 668860 Libellulidae Trithemis dichroa Black Dropwing 1 9 2011-01-11 Records
106 669040 Libellulidae Trithemis grouti Dark Dropwing 1 17 2012-03-01 Records
107 668700 Libellulidae Trithemis imitata Northern Fluttering Dropwing 1 4 2011-01-08 Records
108 669080 Libellulidae Trithemis stictica Jaunty Dropwing LC 1 3 2010-10-09 Records
109 669420 Libellulidae Zygonyx torridus Ringed Cascader LC 1 1 2010-10-02 Records
110 669440 Libellulidae Zyxomma atlanticum Smoky Duskdarter LC 1 2 2012-02-25 Records
111 666200 Libelluloidea incertae Idomacromia proavita Greater Shadowcruiser 1 2 2010-09-29 Records
112 666330 Macromiidae Phyllomacromia aeneothorax Western Bronze Cruiser 1 3 2011-03-18 Records
113 666540 Macromiidae Phyllomacromia melania Sombre Cruiser 1 2 2012-03-09 Records
114 666660 Macromiidae Phyllomacromia sophia Ebony Cruiser 1 3 2011-03-19 Records
115 661450 Platycnemididae Allocnemis elongata Orange-legged Yellowwing 1 16 2012-03-01 Records
116 661460 Platycnemididae Allocnemis flavipennis Amber Yellowwing 1 32 2012-03-09 Records
117 661550 Platycnemididae Allocnemis subnodalis Blue-legged Yellowwing 1 23 2012-03-01 Records
118 662050 Platycnemididae Copera guttifera Western Featherleg 1 1 2010-10-12 Records
119 662080 Platycnemididae Copera sikassoensis Little Featherleg 1 2 2010-05-05 Records
120 661740 Platycnemididae Elattoneura balli Western Stream Threadtail 1 6 2010-10-12 Records
121 661910 Platycnemididae Elattoneura nigra Black Threadtail 1 9 2012-03-01 Records
122 661990 Platycnemididae Elattoneura villiersi White-shouldered Threadtail 1 16 2012-03-01 Records

  Total         122 1078 2011-03-20*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
Samways, M.J. & Simaika, J.P. 2016. Manual of Freshwater Assessment for South Africa: Dragonfly Biotic Index. Suricata 2. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). OdonataMAP Virtual Museum. Accessed at https://vmus.adu.org.za/?vm=OdonataMAP on 2024-09-20

[ Page served: September 20, 2024, 02:20 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT