ReptileMAP — Reptile Atlas of Africa

Summary information for locus 1435CD

27 species found for locus = 1435CD
Date filter: none

Records for 1435CD

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 1480 Agamidae Agama armata Peters' Ground Agama Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2018-04-30 Records
2 1410 Chamaeleonidae Chamaeleo dilepis Common Flap-neck Chameleon Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2018-06-08 Records
3 4560 Colubridae Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia Red-lipped Snake Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2017-10-10 Records
4 4740 Colubridae Dasypeltis medici East African Egg-eater Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2017-11-22 Records
5 4570 Colubridae Dipsadoboa aulica Marbled Tree Snake Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 2 2019-02-19 Records
6 4600 Colubridae Philothamnus hoplogaster South Eastern Green Snake Least Concern (IUCN 2021) 1 3 2021-07-19 Records
7 4640 Colubridae Philothamnus semivariegatus Spotted Bush Snake Least Concern (IUCN 2021) 1 2 2017-12-16 Records
8 5840 Crocodylidae Crocodylus niloticus Nile Crocodile VU (SARCA 2014); LC (global, IUCN 2019) 1 4 2017-12-29 Records
9 9346 Gekkonidae Chondrodactylus laevigatus Fischer's Thick-toed Gecko 1 1 2006-12-23 Records
10 260 Gekkonidae Hemidactylus platycephalus Flat -headed Tropical House Gecko Least Concern (IUCN 2021) 1 4 2018-04-19 Records
11 320 Gekkonidae Lygodactylus capensis Common Dwarf Gecko Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2018-05-03 Records
12 3500 Gerrhosauridae Broadleysaurus major Rough-scaled Plated Lizard Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2020-04-11 Records
13 4150 Lamprophiidae Aparallactus lunulatus lunulatus Reticulated Centipede-eater Least Concern (sp. Level, IUCN 2021) 1 1 2020-12-18 Records
14 4260 Lamprophiidae Atractaspis bibronii Bibron's Stiletto Snake Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 3 2021-03-01 Records
15 4320 Lamprophiidae Boaedon capensis Brown House Snake Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2017-04-30 Records
16 4400 Lamprophiidae Lycophidion capense capense Cape Wolf Snake Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2018-07-21 Records
17 5000 Lamprophiidae Prosymna stuhlmannii East African Shovel-snout Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2016-02-04 Records
18 4940 Lamprophiidae Psammophis orientalis Eastern Yellow-bellied Sand Snake 1 5 2019-01-28 Records
19 5820 Pelomedusidae Pelusios sinuatus Serrated Hinged Terrapin Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 2 2016-11-02 Records
20 4070 Pythonidae Python natalensis Southern African Python Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 2 2018-04-25 Records
21 2260 Scincidae Mochlus sundevallii Sundevall's Writhing Skink Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2016-08-17 Records
22 2430 Scincidae Trachylepis striata Striped Skink Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 3 2019-01-28 Records
23 3870 Typhlopidae Afrotyphlops dinga Zambezi Giant Blind Snake Least Concern (IUCN 2021) 1 1 2022-04-14 Records
24 6154 Varanidae Varanus sp. 1 1 2022-01-05 Records
25 1220 Varanidae Varanus albigularis albigularis Rock Monitor Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 1 2019-03-07 Records
26 1230 Varanidae Varanus niloticus Water Monitor Least Concern (SARCA 2014) 1 7 2018-06-16 Records
27 5410 Viperidae Bitis arietans arietans Puff Adder Least Concern (IUCN 2014) 1 1 2017-05-21 Records

  Total         27 53 2018-05-03*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
Atlas and Red List of the Reptiles of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. 2014. Edited by Michael F. Bates, William R. Branch, Aaron M. Bauer, Marius Burger, Johan Marais, Graham J. Alexander & Marienne S. de Villiers. SANBI, Pretoria.

NB: the following taxa have been omited from the database query to produce the list above:

ID pending record(s) for this locus: 0 records

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). ReptileMAP Virtual Museum. Accessed at on 2024-09-21

[ Page served: September 21, 2024, 07:56 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT