MammalMAP — Virtual Museum of Afric

Summary information for locus 2832AD

86 species found for locus = 2832AD
Date filter: none

Records for 2832AD

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 151470 Bathyergidae Cryptomys hottentotus Southern African Mole-rat Least Concern (2016) 1 3 1988-08-10 Records
2 151490 Bathyergidae Cryptomys hottentotus natalensis 1 2 1990-05-15 Records
3 211850 Bovidae Aepyceros melampus Impala Least Concern 1 26 2023-03-15 Records
4 215280 Bovidae Cephalophus natalensis Red Duiker Near Threatened (2016) 1 40 2024-02-02 Records
5 212030 Bovidae Connochaetes taurinus Blue Wildebeest Least Concern (ver 3.1, 2017) 1 12 2024-02-04 Records
6 217690 Bovidae Damaliscus lunatus lunatus (Southern African) Tsessebe Vulnerable (2016) 1 2 2015-12-18 Records
7 216040 Bovidae Kobus ellipsiprymnus Waterbuck Least Concern (ver 3.1, 2016) 1 28 2024-02-04 Records
8 216050 Bovidae Kobus ellipsiprymnus ellipsiprymnus Least Concern (2016) 1 1 1922-06-24 Records
9 213320 Bovidae Raphicerus campestris Steenbok Least Concern (2016) 1 1 1998-07-19 Records
10 216370 Bovidae Redunca arundinum Southern Reedbuck Least Concern (2016) 1 16 2024-02-04 Records
11 216380 Bovidae Redunca fulvorufula Mountain Reedbuck Least Concern 1 1 2014-06-30 Records
12 215700 Bovidae Sylvicapra grimmia Bush Duiker Least Concern (2016) 1 3 2021-12-19 Records
13 213760 Bovidae Syncerus caffer African Buffalo Least Concern (2008) 1 27 2024-02-04 Records
14 213930 Bovidae Tragelaphus angasii Nyala Least Concern (2016) 1 6 2022-12-15 Records
15 213970 Bovidae Tragelaphus scriptus Bushbuck Least Concern 1 44 2023-12-31 Records
16 214120 Bovidae Tragelaphus strepsiceros Greater Kudu Least Concern (2016) 1 31 2024-02-04 Records
17 197810 Canidae Canis adustus Side-striped Jackal Least Concern (2016) 1 3 2016-11-15 Records
18 112580 Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus albogularis Samango Monkey Least Concern (2008) 1 3 2020-10-20 Records
19 217930 Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus albogularis erythrarchus Samango Monkey (subsp. erythrarchus) Near Threatened (2016) 1 3 2014-07-04 Records
20 113300 Cercopithecidae Chlorocebus pygerythrus Vervet Monkey Least Concern (2016) 1 20 2024-02-02 Records
21 113310 Cercopithecidae Chlorocebus pygerythrus pygerythrus Vervet Monkey (subspecies pygerythrus) Least Concern (2008) 1 17 2016-11-15 Records
22 106170 Chrysochloridae Amblysomus hottentotus Hottentot Golden Mole Least Concern (2016) 1 24 2006-02-18 Records
23 107520 Elephantidae Loxodonta africana African Bush Elephant Vulnerable A2a (2008) 1 2 2022-12-15 Records
24 207010 Equidae Equus quagga Plains Zebra Near Threatened (IUCN, 2016) 1 21 2024-02-04 Records
25 191660 Felidae Caracal caracal Caracal Least Concern (2016) 1 1 Records
26 192800 Felidae Leptailurus serval Serval Near Threatened (2016) 1 1 1983-03-02 Records
27 193900 Felidae Panthera pardus Leopard Vulnerable (2016) 1 6 2014-12-29 Records
28 110190 Galagidae Otolemur crassicaudatus Brown Greater Galago Least Concern (2016) 1 7 2023-03-14 Records
29 211830 Giraffidae Giraffa giraffa giraffa South African Giraffe Least Concern (2016) 1 6 2024-02-04 Records
30 127730 Gliridae Graphiurus (Graphiurus) murinus Forest African Dormouse Least Concern 1 1 1996-02-01 Records
31 195840 Herpestidae Atilax paludinosus Marsh Mongoose Least Concern (2016) 1 1 1991-01-01 Records
32 197350 Herpestidae Ichneumia albicauda White-tailed Mongoose Least Concern (2016) 1 1 2014-11-14 Records
33 197450 Herpestidae Mungos mungo Banded Mongoose Least Concern (2016) 1 18 2021-12-19 Records
34 208440 Hippopotamidae Hippopotamus amphibius Common Hippopotamus Least Concern (2016) 1 58 2024-02-08 Records
35 197740 Hyaenidae Crocuta crocuta Spotted Hyaena Near Threatened (2016) 1 6 2020-01-13 Records
36 151730 Hystricidae Hystrix africaeaustralis Cape Porcupine Least Concern 1 1 2014-01-13 Records
37 181130 Molossidae Chaerephon pumilus Little Free-tailed Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 40 2013-10-20 Records
38 181860 Molossidae Mops (Mops) condylurus Angolan Free-tailed Bat Least Concern 1 26 1988-01-15 Records
39 145390 Muridae Aethomys ineptus Tete Veld Aethomys Least Concern (2016) 1 20 2014-03-26 Records
40 146420 Muridae Dasymys incomtus Common Dasymys Near Threatened (2016) 1 1 1987-12-06 Records
41 146579 Muridae Grammomys sp. Thicket Rats 1 1 2015-11-07 Records
42 146610 Muridae Grammomys cometes Mozambique Grammomys Least Concern (2016) 1 1 1992-11-25 Records
43 146620 Muridae Grammomys dolichurus Common Grammomys Least Concern (2016) 1 1 1987-11-30 Records
44 147490 Muridae Mastomys coucha Southern African Mastomys Least Concern (2016) 1 2 2014-03-26 Records
45 147530 Muridae Mastomys natalensis Natal Mastomys Least Concern (2016) 1 14 1992-12-05 Records
46 148270 Muridae Mus (Nannomys) minutoides Southern African Pygmy Mouse Least Concern 1 20 2006-02-12 Records
47 151102 Muridae Otomys auratus Southern African Vlei Rat (Grassland type) Near Threatened (2016) 1 5 2003-01-17 Records
48 150170 Muridae Rattus rattus Roof Rat Least Concern 1 1 1985-06-08 Records
49 150360 Muridae Rhabdomys pumilio Xeric Four-striped Grass Rat Least Concern (2016) 1 2 1988-08-10 Records
50 203170 Mustelidae Mellivora capensis Honey Badger Least Concern (2016) 1 14 1985-09-01 Records
51 136590 Nesomyidae Dendromus melanotis Gray African Climbing Mouse Least Concern (2016) 1 4 2006-02-10 Records
52 136620 Nesomyidae Dendromus mystacalis Chestnut African Climbing Mouse Least Concern (2016) 1 2 2007-02-27 Records
53 136520 Nesomyidae Saccostomus campestris Southern African Pouched Mouse Least Concern (2016) 1 20 2018-10-28 Records
54 176810 Nycteridae Nycteris hispida Hairy Slit-faced Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 6 Records
55 176970 Nycteridae Nycteris thebaica Egyptian Slit-faced Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 8 1986-07-30 Records
56 168199 Pteropodidae Epomophorus sp. Epauletted Fruit Bats 1 3 2012-12-11 Records
57 168290 Pteropodidae Epomophorus wahlbergi Wahlberg's Epauletted Fruit Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 6 2023-03-14 Records
58 170760 Pteropodidae Rousettus (Rousettus) aegyptiacus Egyptian Rousette Least Concern 1 48 2018-11-11 Records
59 173210 Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus simulator Bushveld Horseshoe Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 2 Records
60 123980 Sciuridae Paraxerus palliatus Red Bush Squirrel Near Threatened (2016) 1 19 2023-03-16 Records
61 160740 Soricidae Crocidura cyanea Reddish-gray Musk Shrew Least Concern (2016) 1 19 2006-02-18 Records
62 161130 Soricidae Crocidura hirta Lesser Red Musk Shrew Least Concern (2016) 1 1 1973-11-13 Records
63 163230 Soricidae Myosorex cafer Dark-footed Mouse Shrew Vulnerable (2016) 1 24 1992-12-05 Records
64 163350 Soricidae Myosorex varius Forest Shrew Least Concern (2016) 1 1 1988-08-10 Records
65 162890 Soricidae Suncus infinitesimus Least Dwarf Shrew Least Concern (2016) 1 2 2006-02-18 Records
66 162900 Soricidae Suncus lixus Greater Dwarf Shrew Least Concern (2016) 1 1 2006-02-09 Records
67 207690 Suidae Phacochoerus africanus Common Warthog Least Concern (2016) 1 28 2024-02-02 Records
68 207740 Suidae Potamochoerus larvatus Bush-pig Least Concern (2016) 1 2 2007-07-03 Records
69 207780 Suidae Potamochoerus larvatus koiropotamus Bush-pig (subspecies koiropotamus) Least Concern (2016) 1 4 2013-03-03 Records
70 152080 Thryonomyidae Thryonomys swinderianus Greater Cane Rat Least Concern (2016) 1 2 1987-09-29 Records
71 182938 Vespertilionidae SUBFAMILY Vespertilioninae Unidentified Vespertilioninae 1 1 2010-11-15 Records
72 217850 Vespertilionidae Glauconycteris variegata Butterfly Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 7 1988-10-08 Records
73 217870 Vespertilionidae Hypsugo anchietae Anchieta's Pipistrelle Near Threatened 1 1 Records
74 190410 Vespertilionidae Miniopterus natalensis Natal Long-fingered Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 5 Records
75 187180 Vespertilionidae Neoromicia nana Banana Pipistrelle Least Concern 1 6 2013-12-23 Records
76 185360 Vespertilionidae Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) hesperidus Dusky Pipistrelle Least Concern 1 14 Records
77 185500 Vespertilionidae Pipistrellus kuhlii Kuhl's Pipistrelle 1 4 1988-08-10 Records
78 184280 Vespertilionidae Scotoecus albofuscus Light-winged Lesser House Bat Near Threatened (2016) 1 3 Records
79 184399 Vespertilionidae Scotophilus sp. House Bats 1 2 2006-04-24 Records
80 184400 Vespertilionidae Scotophilus borbonicus RĂ©union House Bat 1 10 1988-06-10 Records
81 184430 Vespertilionidae Scotophilus dinganii Yellow-bellied House Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 4 1980-12-07 Records
82 184600 Vespertilionidae Scotophilus leucogaster White-bellied House Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 2 2006-04-24 Records
83 184690 Vespertilionidae Scotophilus viridis Green House Bat Least Concern (2016) 1 13 1988-06-10 Records
84 217740 Viveridae Genetta maculata Common Large-spotted Genet Least Concern 1 1 2015-10-30 Records
85 195120 Viverridae Genetta genetta Common Genet Least Concern (2016) 1 1 2020-01-13 Records
86 195300 Viverridae Genetta tigrina Cape Genet (Cape Large-spotted Genet) Least Concern (2016) 1 2 2013-03-03 Records

  Total         86 869 2009-03-09*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
Child MF, Roxburgh L, Do Linh San E, Raimondo D, Davies-Mostert HT, editors. 2016. The Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. South African National Biodiversity Institute and Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa.

NB: the following taxa have been omited from the database query to produce the list above:

ID pending record(s) for this locus: 0 records

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). MammalMAP Virtual Museum. Accessed at on 2024-09-23

[ Page served: September 23, 2024, 11:44 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT