Summary information for locus 2725DA

66 species found for locus = 2725DA
Date filter: none

Records for 2725DA

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 154 Accipitridae Buteo buteo Steppe (Common) Buzzard 1 1 2019-02-26 Records
2 130 Accipitridae Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered (Winged) Kite 1 1 2022-04-20 Records
3 107 Accipitridae Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Global: CR; BLSA: CR 1 2 2021-09-27 Records
4 149 Accipitridae Haliaeetus vocifer African Fish-Eagle 1 1 2010-07-24 Records
5 165 Accipitridae Melierax canorus Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk 1 1 2023-03-21 Records
6 460 Alaudidae Calendulauda sabota Sabota Lark 1 1 2023-03-18 Records
7 485 Alaudidae Eremopterix verticalis Grey-backed Sparrowlark (Finchlark) 1 2 2023-03-21 Records
8 89 Anatidae Alopochen aegyptiaca Egyptian Goose Least Concern (IUCN, 2018) 1 2 2022-04-19 Records
9 98 Anatidae Anas capensis Cape Teal 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
10 97 Anatidae Anas erythrorhyncha Red-billed Teal (Duck) 1 2 2022-04-19 Records
11 96 Anatidae Anas undulata Yellow-billed Duck 1 1 2019-02-26 Records
12 56 Ardeidae Ardea goliath Goliath Heron 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
13 55 Ardeidae Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron 1 2 2022-04-19 Records
14 61 Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
15 275 Burhinidae Burhinus capensis Spotted Thick-knee (Dikkop) 1 1 2019-10-19 Records
16 245 Charadriidae Vanellus armatus Blacksmith Lapwing (Plover) 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
17 630 Cisticolidae Cisticola aridulus Desert Cisticola 1 1 2023-03-19 Records
18 637 Cisticolidae Cisticola fulvicapillus [fulvicapilla] Neddicky (Piping Cisticola) 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
19 629 Cisticolidae Cisticola juncidis Zitting (Fan-tailed) Cisticola 1 2 2023-03-20 Records
20 641 Cisticolidae Cisticola rufilatus Tinkling (Grey) Cisticola 1 1 2019-10-19 Records
21 650 Cisticolidae Prinia flavicans Black-chested Prinia 1 2 2022-04-19 Records
22 318 Columbidae Oena capensis Namaqua Dove 1 2 2023-03-21 Records
23 316 Columbidae Streptopelia capicola Cape Turtle (Ring-necked) Dove 1 1 2022-04-20 Records
24 352 Cuculidae Chrysococcyx caprius Dideric (Diederik) Cuckoo 1 1 2023-03-21 Records
25 100 Dendrocygnidae Dendrocygna viduata White-faced (Whistling-) Duck 1 1 2019-02-26 Records
26 840 Estrildidae Uraeginthus [Granatina] granatina Violet-eared Waxbill 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
27 860 Fringillidae Serinus atrogularis Black-throated Canary 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
28 871 Fringillidae Emberiza impetuani Lark-like Bunting 1 1 2023-03-19 Records
29 872 Fringillidae Emberiza tahapisi Cinnamon-breasted (Rock) Bunting 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
30 493 Hirundinidae Hirundo rustica Barn (European) Swallow 1 1 2018-12-22 Records
31 509 Hirundinidae Riparia paludicola Brown-throated (Plain) Martin 1 1 2023-03-19 Records
32 724 Laniidae Urolestes melanoleucus Magpie (Long-tailed) Shrike Least Concern (IUCN ver 3.1) 1 3 2022-04-20 Records
33 288 Laridae Larus cirrocephalus Grey-headed Gull 1 2 2019-05-05 Records
34 439 Lybiidae Trachyphonus vaillantii Crested Barbet 1 1 2022-04-20 Records
35 432 Lybiidae Tricholaema leucomelas Acacia Pied Barbet 1 1 2022-04-20 Records
36 711 Malaconotidae Laniarius atrococcineus Crimson-breasted Shrike 1 1 2018-12-22 Records
37 731 Malaconotidae Nilaus afer Brubru 1 2 2022-04-19 Records
38 411 Meropidae Merops hirundineus Swallow-tailed Bee-eater 1 1 2023-03-21 Records
39 692 Motacillidae Anthus cinnamomeus African (Grassveld/Grassland) Pipit 1 1 2023-03-19 Records
40 686 Motacillidae Motacilla capensis Cape Wagtail 1 1 2010-07-21 Records
41 661 Muscicapidae Bradornis mariquensis Marico Flycatcher 1 1 2022-04-20 Records
42 586 Muscicapidae Cercotrichas (Erythropygia) paena Kalahari Scrub-Robin 1 2 2022-04-20 Records
43 654 Muscicapidae Muscicapa striata Spotted Flycatcher 1 1 2023-03-21 Records
44 557 Muscicapidae Psophocichla litsipsirupa Groundscraper Thrush 1 3 2022-04-20 Records
45 192 Numididae Numida meleagris Helmeted Guineafowl 1 1 2022-04-20 Records
46 514 Paridae Parus cinerascens Ashy Tit 1 1 2022-04-20 Records
47 50 Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax africanus Reed (Long-tailed) Cormorant 1 1 2019-05-05 Records
48 47 Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax lucidus White-breasted (Great) Cormorant 1 2 2019-05-05 Records
49 185 Phasianidae Pternistis swainsonii Swainson's Spurfowl (Francolin) 1 2 2022-04-20 Records
50 450 Picidae Dendropicos fuscescens Cardinal Woodpecker 1 2 2023-03-21 Records
51 808 Ploceidae Euplectes orix Southern Red (Red) Bishop 1 1 2023-03-19 Records
52 783 Ploceidae Philetairus socius Sociable (Social) Weaver 1 1 2023-03-20 Records
53 780 Ploceidae Plocepasser mahali White-browed Sparrow-Weaver 1 3 2022-04-20 Records
54 789 Ploceidae Sporopipes squamifrons Scaly-feathered Finch 1 1 2018-12-22 Records
55 4 Podicipedidae Podiceps cristatus Great Crested Grebe 1 1 2018-12-22 Records
56 212 Rallidae Fulica cristata Red-knobbed Coot 1 2 2022-04-19 Records
57 421 Rhinopomastidae Rhinopomastus cyanomelas Common Scimitarbill 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
58 105 Sagittariidae Sagittarius serpentarius Secretarybird Global: VU; BLSA: VU 1 1 2022-04-20 Records
59 1 Struthionidae Struthio camelus Common Ostrich 1 1 2010-07-20 Records
60 735 Sturnidae Creatophora cinerea Wattled Starling 1 1 2023-03-21 Records
61 600 Sylviidae Eremomela icteropygialis Yellow-bellied Eremomela 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
62 658 Sylviidae Parisoma (Sylvia) subcaeruleum Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
63 599 Sylviidae Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler 1 2 2023-03-18 Records
64 85 Threskiornithidae Platalea alba African Spoonbill 1 1 2022-04-19 Records
65 81 Threskiornithidae Threskiornis aethiopicus African Sacred (Sacred) Ibis 1 2 2019-02-26 Records
66 1171 Zosteropidae Zosterops pallidus (split) Orange River White-eye (split) LC 1 1 2010-07-23 Records

  Total         66 89 2022-04-19*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (

ID pending record(s) for this locus: 0 records

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). Virtual Museum. Accessed at on 2024-09-27

[ Page served: September 27, 2024, 08:26 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT