Summary information for locus NE_004009AA

31 species found for locus = NE_004009AA
Date filter: none

Records for NE_004009AA

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 664140 Aeshnidae Anax imperator Blue Emperor LC 1 3 1997-03-26 Records
2 664330 Aeshnidae Gynacantha nigeriensis Yellow-legged Duskhawker 1 1 1995-03-28 Records
3 660580 Calopterygidae Phaon iridipennis Glistening Demoiselle LC 1 4 1997-04-09 Records
4 660640 Calopterygidae Sapho orichalcea 1 1 1995-03-28 Records
5 660860 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha cancellata Exquisite Jewel 1 4 1997-04-08 Records
6 660970 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha glauca Eastern Red-tipped Jewel 1 1 1996-05-02 Records
7 662510 Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis maclachlani Forest Wisp 1 7 1997-04-09 Records
8 662720 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion glabrum Common Citril LC 1 1 1996-07-12 Records
9 663100 Coenagrionidae Ischnura senegalensis Tropical Bluetail LC 1 5 1997-03-26 Records
10 663700 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion camerunense Yellow-fronted Sprite 1 7 1997-04-09 Records
11 663510 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion melanicterum Farmbush Sprite 1 6 1997-03-26 Records
12 665110 Gomphidae Microgomphus camerunensis Forest Scissortail 1 1 1997-03-26 Records
13 667200 Libellulidae Diplacodes lefebvrii Black Percher LC 1 3 1997-04-09 Records
14 667590 Libellulidae Neodythemis klingi Stream Junglewatcher 1 3 1996-07-14 Records
15 667760 Libellulidae Olpogastra lugubris Bottletail LC 1 2 1997-03-26 Records
16 667950 Libellulidae Orthetrum julia Julia Skimmer LC 1 2 1997-04-08 Records
17 668110 Libellulidae Orthetrum stemmale Bold Skimmer LC 1 2 1996-05-02 Records
18 668200 Libellulidae Palpopleura lucia Lucia Widow LC 1 1 1995-03-28 Records
19 668230 Libellulidae Pantala flavescens Wandering Glider LC 1 4 1997-04-09 Records
20 668480 Libellulidae Tetrathemis camerunensis Forest Elf 1 1 1996-07-14 Records
21 668600 Libellulidae Tholymis tillarga Twister LC 1 1 1995-03-28 Records
22 668620 Libellulidae Tramea basilaris Keyhole Glider LC 1 1 1997-04-08 Records
23 668740 Libellulidae Trithemis aconita Halfshade Dropwing LC 1 1 1996-05-02 Records
24 668660 Libellulidae Trithemis annulata Violet Dropwing LC 1 1 1996-07-05 Records
25 668670 Libellulidae Trithemis arteriosa Red-veined Dropwing LC 1 1 1996-07-02 Records
26 669180 Libellulidae Urothemis assignata Red Basker LC 1 4 1997-04-09 Records
27 669440 Libellulidae Zyxomma atlanticum Smoky Duskdarter LC 1 1 1997-03-26 Records
28 666400 Macromiidae Phyllomacromia caneri Gold-studded Cruiser 1 1 1997-03-26 Records
29 661740 Platycnemididae Elattoneura balli Western Stream Threadtail 1 1 1996-05-02 Records
30 661960 Platycnemididae Elattoneura pruinosa Cameroon Threadtail 1 3 1997-04-08 Records
31 661690 Platycnemididae Stenocnemis pachystigma Tricklejack, Falljack, Sprayjack 1 1 1996-07-03 Records

  Total         31 75 1997-03-26*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
Samways, M.J. & Simaika, J.P. 2016. Manual of Freshwater Assessment for South Africa: Dragonfly Biotic Index. Suricata 2. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). Virtual Museum. Accessed at on 2024-09-27

[ Page served: September 27, 2024, 09:04 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT