OdonataMAP — Odonata Atlas of Africa

Summary information for locus NE_000024CA

70 species found for locus = NE_000024CA
Date filter: none

Records for NE_000024CA

# Species
Family Scientific name Common name Red list
Number of
Number of
Last recorded Records link

1 664180 Aeshnidae Anax tristis Black Emperor LC 1 1 2010-06-01 Records
2 664290 Aeshnidae Gynacantha bullata Black-kneed Duskhawker 1 3 2010-06-04 Records
3 664240 Aeshnidae Gynacantha cylindrata Greater Girdled Duskhawker 1 3 2010-06-02 Records
4 664250 Aeshnidae Gynacantha sextans Dark-rayed Duskhawker 1 2 2010-06-04 Records
5 664380 Aeshnidae Heliaeschna cynthiae Blade-tipped Duskhawker 1 2 2010-06-05 Records
6 664390 Aeshnidae Heliaeschna fuliginosa Black-banded Duskhawker 1 5 2010-06-05 Records
7 660570 Calopterygidae Phaon camerunensis Emerald Demoiselle (RAINFOREST?) 1 2 2010-06-01 Records
8 660670 Calopterygidae Umma cincta Broad-winged Sparklewing 1 12 2010-06-03 Records
9 660720 Calopterygidae Umma longistigma Bare-bellied Sparklewing 1 4 2010-06-01 Records
10 660760 Calopterygidae Umma saphirina Sapphire Sparklewing 1 4 2010-06-04 Records
11 660830 Chlorocyphidae Chlorocypha aphrodite Blue Jewel 1 4 2010-06-04 Records
12 662480 Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis forcipata Greater Pincer-tailed Wisp 1 2 2010-06-01 Records
13 662510 Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis maclachlani Forest Wisp 1 3 2010-06-04 Records
14 662560 Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis stygia Congo Wisp 1 5 2010-06-03 Records
15 662710 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion corallinum Green-fronted Citril 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
16 662860 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion obfuscans Darkening Citril 1 3 2010-06-02 Records
17 662890 Coenagrionidae Ceriagrion varians Orange-red Citril 1 1 2010-05-28 Records
18 663770 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion glaucum Slender Sprite 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
19 663470 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion kibalense Forest Sprite 1 4 2010-06-04 Records
20 663510 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion melanicterum Farmbush Sprite 1 3 2010-06-01 Records
21 663840 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion nubicum Bluetail Sprite 1 1 2010-05-27 Records
22 663580 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion serrulatum Superb Sprite 1 2 2010-06-04 Records
23 663600 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion simplicilaminatum Blue Slim Sprite 1 2 2010-06-01 Records
24 663640 Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion thenartum Orange Slim Sprite 1 6 2010-06-04 Records
25 664710 Gomphidae Diastatomma selysi Common Hoetail 1 2 2010-06-04 Records
26 664850 Gomphidae Ictinogomphus regisalberti Congo Tigertail 1 1 2010-05-27 Records
27 665030 Gomphidae Libyogomphus tenaculatus Large Horntail 1 3 2010-06-03 Records
28 665320 Gomphidae Notogomphus bosumbuli Congo Longleg 1 4 2010-06-03 Records
29 665970 Gomphidae Phyllogomphus annulus Crested Leaftail 1 1 2010-06-03 Records
30 666070 Gomphidae Phyllogomphus selysi Bold Leaftail LC 1 3 2010-05-31 Records
31 666850 Libellulidae Aethiothemis erythromelas Pin-tailed Flasher 1 1 2010-06-01 Records
32 666920 Libellulidae Aethriamanta rezia Pygmy Basker LC 1 1 2010-05-30 Records
33 667020 Libellulidae Brachythemis lacustris Red Groundling LC 1 2 2010-05-31 Records
34 667030 Libellulidae Brachythemis leucosticta Southern Banded Groundling LC 1 1 2010-05-27 Records
35 667090 Libellulidae Chalcostephia flavifrons Inspector LC 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
36 667170 Libellulidae Cyanothemis simpsoni Bluebolt 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
37 667320 Libellulidae Hadrothemis defecta Scarlet Jungleskimmer 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
38 667330 Libellulidae Hadrothemis infesta Slender Jungleskimmer 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
39 667350 Libellulidae Hadrothemis versuta Variable Jungleskimmer 1 5 2010-06-03 Records
40 667360 Libellulidae Hadrothemis vrijdaghi Golden-winged Jungleskimmer 1 6 2010-06-02 Records
41 667450 Libellulidae Malgassophlebia bispina Ringed Leaftipper 1 3 2010-06-03 Records
42 667490 Libellulidae Micromacromia camerunica Stream Micmac 1 5 2010-06-03 Records
43 667590 Libellulidae Neodythemis klingi Stream Junglewatcher 1 3 2010-06-03 Records
44 667740 Libellulidae Notiothemis robertsi Western Forestwatcher 1 2 2010-06-03 Records
45 667760 Libellulidae Olpogastra lugubris Bottletail LC 1 1 2010-06-03 Records
46 667790 Libellulidae Orthetrum africanum Elongate Skimmer 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
47 667830 Libellulidae Orthetrum brachiale Banded Skimmer LC 1 1 2010-06-01 Records
48 667950 Libellulidae Orthetrum julia Julia Skimmer LC 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
49 668020 Libellulidae Orthetrum microstigma Farmbush Skimmer 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
50 668090 Libellulidae Orthetrum saegeri Eastern Mushroom Skimmer 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
51 668110 Libellulidae Orthetrum stemmale Bold Skimmer LC 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
52 668200 Libellulidae Palpopleura lucia Lucia Widow LC 1 1 2010-06-04 Records
53 668210 Libellulidae Palpopleura portia Portia Widow LC 1 2 2010-06-03 Records
54 668250 Libellulidae Parazyxomma flavicans Banded Duskdarter LC (Global); VU (RSA) 1 1 2010-06-01 Records
55 668270 Libellulidae Porpax asperipes Powdered Pricklyleg 1 6 2010-06-03 Records
56 668480 Libellulidae Tetrathemis camerunensis Forest Elf 1 1 2010-05-30 Records
57 668570 Libellulidae Thermochoria equivocata Dash-winged Piedface 1 2 2010-06-02 Records
58 669040 Libellulidae Trithemis grouti Dark Dropwing 1 1 2010-05-31 Records
59 669160 Libellulidae Trithetrum navasi Fiery Darter 1 1 2010-06-02 Records
60 669190 Libellulidae Urothemis edwardsii Blue Basker LC 1 1 2010-05-30 Records
61 669400 Libellulidae Zygonyx regisalberti Regal Cascader 1 1 2010-06-01 Records
62 669440 Libellulidae Zyxomma atlanticum Smoky Duskdarter LC 1 1 2010-06-04 Records
63 666370 Macromiidae Phyllomacromia aureozona Golden-banded Cruiser 1 1 2010-06-03 Records
64 661430 Platycnemididae Allocnemis cyanura Blue-tipped Yellowwing 1 1 2010-06-03 Records
65 661530 Platycnemididae Allocnemis nigripes Rainbow Yellowwing 1 6 2010-06-03 Records
66 662060 Platycnemididae Copera nyansana Eastern Featherleg 1 4 2010-06-04 Records
67 661760 Platycnemididae Elattoneura centrafricana Black-shouldered Threadtail 1 5 2010-06-03 Records
68 661860 Platycnemididae Elattoneura lliba Eastern Stream Threadtail 1 11 2010-06-04 Records
69 661890 Platycnemididae Elattoneura morini Mealy Threadtail 1 3 2010-06-04 Records
70 662000 Platycnemididae Elattoneura vittata Western Red-banded Threadtail 1 14 2010-06-03 Records

  Total         70 193 2010-06-02*

* median date of last recorded date
** median date for all records identified to species or subspecies level

Red listing source:
Samways, M.J. & Simaika, J.P. 2016. Manual of Freshwater Assessment for South Africa: Dragonfly Biotic Index. Suricata 2. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Citation: FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology (2024). OdonataMAP Virtual Museum. Accessed at https://vmus.adu.org.za/?vm=OdonataMAP on 2024-05-01

[ Page served: May 1, 2024, 01:20 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT