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    Records 1-30 of 70 found.
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VM Number 18540   No. : 18540
Species: 688 -- Motacilla clara       [ Map | Records ]
               Mountain (Long-tailed) Wagtail -- Bergkwikkie (Motacillidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Date: 2015-07-04.
Locality: , Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 18541   No. : 18541
Species: 688 -- Motacilla clara       [ Map | Records ]
               Mountain (Long-tailed) Wagtail -- Bergkwikkie (Motacillidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Date: 2015-07-04.
Locality: , Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 18542   No. : 18542
Species: 677 -- Platysteira peltata       [ Map | Records ]
               Black-throated (Wattle-eyed) Wattle-eye (Flycatcher) -- Beloogbosbontrokkie (Malaconotidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Date: 2015-07-04.
Locality: , Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 20049   No. : 20049
Species: 688 -- Motacilla clara       [ Map | Records ]
               Mountain (Long-tailed) Wagtail -- Bergkwikkie (Motacillidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Date: 2015-08-27.
Locality: , Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 20050   No. : 20050
Species: 688 -- Motacilla clara       [ Map | Records ]
               Mountain (Long-tailed) Wagtail -- Bergkwikkie (Motacillidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Date: 2015-08-27.
Locality: , Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 20051   No. : 20051
Species: 589 -- Pogonocichla stellata       [ Map | Records ]
               White-starred (Starred) Robin -- Witkoljanfrederik (Muscicapidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Date: 2015-08-27.
Locality: , Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30205   No. : 30205
Species: 762 -- Nectarinia [Cinnyris] venusta [venustus]       [ Map | Records ]
               Variable (Yellow-bellied) Sunbird -- Geelpenssuikerbekkie (Nectariniidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30272   No. : 30272
Species: 437 -- Pogoniulus chrysoconus       [ Map | Records ]
               Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (Tinker Barbet) -- Geelblestinker (Lybiidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30273   No. : 30273
Species: 114 -- Falco biarmicus       [ Map | Records ]
               Lanner Falcon -- Edelvalk (Falconidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30274   No. : 30274
Species: 745 -- Onychognathus morio       [ Map | Records ]
               Red-winged Starling -- Rooivlerkspreeu (Sturnidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30275   No. : 30275
Species: 524 -- Corvus albicollis       [ Map | Records ]
               White-necked Raven -- Withalskraai (Corvidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30276   No. : 30276
Species: 3598 -- Nectarinia (Cinnyris] fuelleborni       [ Map | Records ]
               Forest Double-collared Sunbird (Nectariniidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30277   No. : 30277
Species: 3598 -- Nectarinia (Cinnyris] fuelleborni       [ Map | Records ]
               Forest Double-collared Sunbird (Nectariniidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30278   No. : 30278
Species: 581 -- Cossypha caffra       [ Map | Records ]
               Cape Robin-chat -- Gewone Janfrederik (Muscicapidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30279   No. : 30279
Species: 762 -- Nectarinia [Cinnyris] venusta [venustus]       [ Map | Records ]
               Variable (Yellow-bellied) Sunbird -- Geelpenssuikerbekkie (Nectariniidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30280   No. : 30280
Species: 639 -- Cisticola lais       [ Map | Records ]
               Wailing Cisticola -- Huiltinktinkie (Cisticolidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30281   No. : 30281
Species: 826 -- Estrilda [Coccopygia][melanotos] quartinia       [ Map | Records ]
               Yellow-bellied (East African) Waxbill (Swee) -- Tropiese Swie (Estrildidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There are 2 photos and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30282   No. : 30282
Species: 512 -- Psalidoprocne orientalis       [ Map | Records ]
               Eastern Saw-wing Swallow -- Tropiese Saagvlerkswael (Hirundinidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There are 2 photos and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30283   No. : 30283
Species: 639 -- Cisticola lais       [ Map | Records ]
               Wailing Cisticola -- Huiltinktinkie (Cisticolidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30284   No. : 30284
Species: 618 -- Sphenoeacus afer       [ Map | Records ]
               Cape Grassbird -- Grasvoel (Sylviidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 2 comments
Record URL:
VM Number 30285   No. : 30285
Species: 581 -- Cossypha caffra       [ Map | Records ]
               Cape Robin-chat -- Gewone Janfrederik (Muscicapidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-20.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30286   No. : 30286
Species: 3598 -- Nectarinia (Cinnyris] fuelleborni       [ Map | Records ]
               Forest Double-collared Sunbird (Nectariniidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30287   No. : 30287
Species: 3598 -- Nectarinia (Cinnyris] fuelleborni       [ Map | Records ]
               Forest Double-collared Sunbird (Nectariniidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-19.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There are 2 photos and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30288   No. : 30288
Species: 153 -- Buteo augur       [ Map | Records ]
               Augur Buzzard -- Witborsjakkalsvoel (Accipitridae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-20.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30289   No. : 30289
Species: 524 -- Corvus albicollis       [ Map | Records ]
               White-necked Raven -- Withalskraai (Corvidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-20.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30290   No. : 30290
Species: 692 -- Anthus cinnamomeus       [ Map | Records ]
               African (Grassveld/Grassland) Pipit -- Gewone Koester (Motacillidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-20.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30291   No. : 30291
Species: 549 -- Andropadus milanjensis       [ Map | Records ]
               Stripe-cheeked Greenbul (Bulbul) -- Streepwangwillie (Pycnonotidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-20.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30292   No. : 30292
Species: 688 -- Motacilla clara       [ Map | Records ]
               Mountain (Long-tailed) Wagtail -- Bergkwikkie (Motacillidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-20.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30293   No. : 30293
Species: 576 -- Saxicola torquata       [ Map | Records ]
               African (Common) Stonechat -- Gewone Bontrokkie (Muscicapidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-20.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:
VM Number 30294   No. : 30294
Species: 826 -- Estrilda [Coccopygia][melanotos] quartinia       [ Map | Records ]
               Yellow-bellied (East African) Waxbill (Swee) -- Tropiese Swie (Estrildidae)
Observer: Brown Gary; Rupert Wilkey; Date: 2016-09-21.
Locality: other, Malawi.
Locus: 1535DC [ Summary ] [ Records ]
Record status: ACCEPTED. There is 1 photo and 1 comment
Record URL:

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    Records 1-30 of 70 found.
Page 1 of 3.

[ Page served: September 27, 2024, 06:48 +0200]

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)
The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town
This work, except photographs, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright of images uploaded into the Virtual Museum remains with the photographers.

The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The Biodiversity and Development Institute (BDI)          The FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology          UCT